-Eridanus- (owner of article)

ThunderClan OCs

Name: Rainpelt
Age: fifteen moons
Gender: Female
Clan: ThunderClan
Role: Warrior (no mate, no kits)
Appearance: Thick, layered silver fur, shaggy but smooth. Emerald green eyes and unique markings on the face. Wide paws, good for walking on snow and for slapping prey.
Personality: Goofy and sweet, very loyal. Always knows where her heart is. Brave and kind, and would jump off a cliff to save a kit. She always puts her Clanmates first, but this means she will disobey the warrior code and sometimes moral codes as well. She will never take a bribe or payment for a dishonest act, but won't hesitate to steal if the clan needs it. (Note: CLANMATES, not CLAN)
Backstory: Rainpelt was born Rainkit in ThunderClan, to Mistfeather and Stonehop. Soon after her kitting, Stonehop was killed by rogues on the ShadowClan border. After Stonehop's death, Mistfeather grew paranoid and scared, afraid of everything and never leaving camp. When Rainkit was three moons old, her mother ran away to live in Twolegplace, leaving her and her brother Bluekit alone. The queens worked together to support the lonely little kits, but just before the pair's apprenticeship, Bluecloud caught a bad case of greencough and died the day after they were made apprentices. Rainpelt, to this day, has never been sicker than a simple cold or fever and believes Bluekit is watching over her to protect her from illness. She has no mate and in not currently interested in kits, but if someone would like to make a mate for her that would be great!

Name: Hawkthorn
Age: 44 Moons (just around 4 years
Gender: Male
Clan: ThunderClan
Role: Warrior
Appearance: Strong legs for jumping, can jump very high into the air because of distant SkyClan ancestry. Brownish beige pelt, heather-colored. Amber eyes, two white socks, two white 'toe socks'
Personality: Kind, charming, supportive, can be prideful, stubborn, and insufferable. Ambitious, but doesn't want to lead. He is a 'step up when there's no one else to lead' kind of guy, and he'd never dream of becoming deputy.
Backstory: Pretty average. Scars on neck come from an old fight with a WindClan she-cat, who he had been in a forbidden romance with. He had realized that they'd never work out and would never be together, so he ended it, but she never forgave him and eventually almost killed him. She was captured by Twolegs and became a kittypet, and she doesn't know that he's mates (or will be mates) with Duskfawn.

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ShadowClan OCs

Name: Rushwind
Age: 12 moons (just had warrior ceremony)
Gender: Female
Clan: shadowclan
Role: Warrior
Appearance: sleek black fur with brown streaks and golden paws
Personality: sharp, loud, commanding, but affectionate toward mates and friends
Backstory: Her mother was a kittypet, and literally the most stupid, pampered kittypet ever, and her father was a RiverClan warrior. Her mother was too scared to visit the forest and her father left her mother for a different mate, so Rushwind traveled to live in Shadowclan instead. She is biased against RiverClan.

RiverClan OCs

Name: Fernpaw (Will be Fernlark)
Age: 7 moons
Gender: male
Clan: RiverClan
Role: Warrior apprentice
Appearance: Thick furred dusky brown tom, green eyes and a long, plumy tail.
Personality: kind, loving, friendly, sweet, really good hunter, bad fighter
Backstory: none

WindClan OCs

Name: Softstep
Age: 22 moons, almost 2 years old.
Gender: Female
Clan: WindClan
Role: Deputy (I know she's super young, wait for the backstory)
Appearance: Medium-thick, sleek mackerel tabby pelt, piercing blue eyes. Delicate-looking paws, with very long claws that do not retract completely unless she keeps it in mind. Strong shoulders and wide chest, good for endurance, long legs for speed, and a long, flowing tail for balance. Very skilled warrior, excellent hunting prowess, good tracker. Generic A student.
Personality: Sharp, serious, patient. Very intelligent and empathetic, often distrustful of strangers. Logical, honest, self-controlled, and observant. Some of her flaws are that she is biased against 'clan-swappers' and non-clan cats, she is unforgiving in a battle, and a little socially awkward outside of official Clan business. She is also overly loyal to WindClan, and won't disobey her leader unless the current leader is extremely in the wrong.
Backstory: As a young kit, Softstep was attracted to the medicine den. She hung around the WindClan medicine cat constantly, constantly asking questions about every herb she saw. She was curious and intelligent, with an excellent memory. Everyone thought she was bound to be the next medicine cat. The medicine cat took her in and taught her for a moon, but Softstep, then Softpaw, was afraid of the massive isolation that becoming a medicine cat would bring. She wasn't ready to give up the chance of having a mate and kits. She left the medicine den at seven moons, training as a normal warrior for most of her training. Softstep, trying to prove that becoming a warrior was her destiny, would train longer and harder than any other 'paw. Because of this, she received her warrior's name at the normal time, despite missing a moon of basic training. She received an apprentice, Redpaw, at fourteen moons, and taught him everything she knew. Sadly, only a moon after becoming a warrior, Redpaw was attacked by a badger and was killed. The grieving Softstep threw herself back into her duties and worked harder than ever before. She was made deputy at twenty-one moons.

Name: Icepaw (Icethorn)
Age: 9 moons
Appearance: thick brown fur with white ears and eye markings. Green eyes, very long tail and long legs. really fast. I mean very very fast (but not superpowered)
Personality: kind, sweet, funny, comical, NORMAL CAT
Backstory: n.a
Extras: she has a very strange power, which she HATES and thinks is awful. She can read other cat's minds (and just animals, too, including two legs), take what she sees there, and make it real.
That's an over simplification. Actually what it is is she is looking at whatever they are most afraid of. She actually doesn't know the fear, her power takes the fear and transfers that as an illusion made of shadows. She and others, however, can see this illusion, so although it is targeted, others can be frightened by it. (Think boggart, for all you HP nerd out there like me) She is literally making these cats greatest fears come true. Also, she can subconsciously affect emotions as well, but she has learned how to push all this down. Now, the only time she will accidentally use her power is when she is in pain or frightened beyond the point of her mind being able to tamp down her ability. But she really, and I mean REALLY hates it, and she will push herself away from other cats because she is afraid she might hurt them. When she meets Peonypaw, however, she hangs out with her a lot because Peonypaw can see when she might be about to release her ability. Sorry if its OP, I just wanted something creepy and that my cat abhors.

SkyClan OCs

Name: Birchpool
Age: 29 moons (about 2 1/2 years)
Gender: Female
Clan: SkyClan
Role: Medicine Cat
Appearance: Sleek, thick gray pelt with a few mackerel stripes. Her tail is tipped with black, and her eyes are vivid amber. She was born with a strange deformity to her back paw that splayed it and twisted it but has learned to live with it and now climbs trees like normal.
Personality: Sweet, kind, caring. Perfect personality for a medicine cat. She shares dreams with StarClan almost every night, as a special gift, but usually just chats with them. AMAZING memory for herbs, is creative and imaginative, and often tries to make up remedies. Is not interested in mates or kits, and feels like the whole of her clan is her siblings or kits. Gets snarky when you talk about her deformity, feels like it shouldn't be a problem.
Backstory: just an average medicine cat. Trained as a warrior before realizing that wasn't her destiny, and in the end she is happier now in the medicine den.

Name: Squirrelfang
Age: 40 moons (about 3 1/2 years)
Gender: Male
Clan: SkyClan
Role: Warrior
Appearance: Fluffy auburn fur, long plumy tail, sharp blue eyes. He has long claws and fangs, and a very distinctive scar across his face, left ear shredded and ragged
Personality: sharp, snappy, abrasive, can be obnoxious. Seems bad and cruel (and can act like it), but really does care for his clan... and some cats in it.
Backstory: When he was 11 moons old, SkyClan received a (faked) sign from starClan. Darkstar actually placed this sign to sow discord within the clans. The sign was interpreted by the old medicine cat, Duckpelt, to mean that SkyClan should attack ThunderClan, destroy the elder's den, and the nursery, and steal their prey. Unbeknownst to SkyClan, Darkstar had also warned ThunderClan of the approaching invaders. When SkyClan arrived, ThunderClan obliterated them. Squirrelfang's scar originated from this battle, but the fight also sowed in him a deep distrust of other clans and StarClan itself.

Name: Featherflight
Age: 32 moons (around 2 2/3 years)
Gender: Female
Clan: SkyClan
Role: Queen, with 4 kits
Appearance: Graceful tabby, blue eyes, long tail but it is kinked from a long-ago incident.
Personality: Motherly, kind, intelligent, patient
Backstory: basic queen

Name: Birchkit
Age: 1 moon
Gender: Male
Clan: SkyClan
Role: Kit
Appearance: pale almond-colored fur, blue eyes like his mother
Personality: goofy, intelligent, the ringleader for all his sibling's crazy ideas, comes up with most of the ideas himself, escape artist, record setter for visits to the medicine den
Backstory: none, as he hasn't had time to make on yet 😜

OCs outside of Clans

Name: Cobra
Age: unknown
Gender: female
Clan: none
Role: rogue-loner
Appearance: REALLY pretty. medium-length, smooth black fur with a slight beetle-green sheen. Graceful body, long, plumy tail, long, sharp claws. Luminous green eyes.
Personality: totally evil. She is cruel and conniving, and uses her looks to manipulate others (toms XD). She is actually incredibly smart, and an excellent tracker, hunter, and fighter. She is more than willing to kill if necessary, and not even if it's necessary. She is working with Darkstar, and since she is pure evil, she's also plotting to kill him once he's done most of the work. She searches methodically for cats, especially toms, who want more respect or power, and begins corrupting them. She will also sneak into a random Clan's camp and wound a random cat or mess with the workings of the camp, e.g steal prey and herbs, break dens. This is to unnerve the others so that she can more easily manipulate them. She also knows how to use herbs and how to mix 'poisons'.
Backstory: TOP SECRET

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