BYC seems to be Yokohama-less.

I have just acquired a young pair of Red-Shouldered Yokohama's ( Australian ). They are approx 4-5 months old and are standard sized.

This is my Yokohama Rooster - Name suggestions are most welcome

My Yoko pullet - Again, name suggestions are most welcome.

Both of them together. They are literally inseparable.

They won't even feed on different ends of the bowls, that's how close they are.

These two are the most wild of the chicken breeds I have owned. Of a night they prefer to roost in the tree tops than their warm cozy roost, even if it's raining.

At the moment they are in quarantine, so they have yet to experience the life of my established flock.
These two literally make the funniest sounds. It's nothing like a 'normal' chicken, more like a young turkey.
The video was filmed at night and I don't have a quality video camera so everything came out black. So you will just have to listen to their odd, yet funny noises. The sounds are mostly the pullet trying to find her partner in the darkness.
P.S I promise you I am not strangling them or hurting them in anyway
( that's what my neighbor thought was happening ).
A bit of information on Yokohama's:
The European, UK, US and Australian Yokohama is an descendent of the ancient Japanese breed, Minohoki's. Minohiki's carry the non moulting gene ( nm ), allowing their tails to grow to vast lengths. Much like the 30ft tails of the Onagadori's. In Japan there was already a type of Minohiki close to that of the modern day Yokohama ( yellow legs, red breast etc ). Imports of this breed were sent to Europe in pre WW1 times. The breed was first shipped from Yokohama Port in Japan which is were the name, obviously, originates from.
Once the breed made it Europe it went down two different paths, one of the now Phoenix - single combed, white earlobes etc and the other the Yokohama - Game like bird, yellow legs, cushion/ walnut comb etc. The Hamburg was used in Europe ( in particular Germany ) to more define the spangeled red breast and shoulders of the Yokohama. From the European countries, the Yokohama ( along with the phoenix ) were shipped to the US and under went a new change, one that is now the US Yokohama ( standard ). Yoko's were also taken to many other countries, including Australia but I am unsure if any more significant changes were made to the breed. Most modern day Yokohamas ( especially Australian Yoko's ) do NOT have the nm gene. So unlike their Japanese decedents modern day Yokos are unable to growth and maintain massive tail lengths. Although in the US and UK high percentage Onagadori and Minohiki Yokohama's can be found, have and can maintain super long tails.

( This most certainly is not all the information on the breed, and most of the information I have gained is from this site ----> ).

Thank you very much for viewing my Yoko's. Any extra information is most welcome and I will be sure to add it in......that is if there is ANY one else out there on BYC with these wonderful, yet bizarre birds