Just getting started... the area we decided to build our coop is not level so we began by pouring concrete pillars.

The floor was next. After installing the sub-flooring we laid some inexpensive vinyl on top to make cleaning easier.


My hubby is up on the roof working while my brother in law is down below "stuporvising"...:)

The windows are going in! The coop is 10' x 20' and will have a center hallway/storage with two separate "rooms", one on either end.

The outside siding is up and trim work is in the process... The weather started turning nasty so the day was finished off with installing the insulation inside the coop.

My husband and brother hanging the insulation... Doug (husband) was really thrilled when I told him I was going to post his picture on BYC - he almost threw the insulation at me!

The back side of the coop (duhhh...) showing the "chicken doors".


We will be fencing in the outside yard to keep them contained and safe. I guess it is about time to order some chicks!!

Since I don't have photos of any chickens at this point, I'm posting two of our German Shepherd, Falcon. The first photo was at 3 1/2 months and the second was taken a month ago at 7 months. He is a real sweetie, but is keeping me on my toes! I had forgotten how energetic puppies are!

