Decline Of The Bobwhite, a Little Known Issue

Thank you for bringing the plight of the Bobwhite to the fore!
As a child, my mom and I would sit out back on the picnic table and whistle for the bobwhites. They would always whistle back! As I grew older, I would often whistle as I worked in my gardens, or whenever I found myself in a place that looked like a likely place for the little quail to hide. As time passed, I got fewer and fewer responses. I stopped, eventually, thinking that I was just too busy to wait as patiently as I had when I was younger. Then I had a chance to go back to the "old place" and whistled for my old friends. I waited. And I whistled. And I waited some more, but the quail were gone. That's when I started paying more attention. I whistled and waited pretty much every chance I got ... no bobwhites!
I now keep a "wild" patch of emergent forest in my yard. Next Spring, I hope to hatch some bobwhites for release. Between the foxes and the cats, there probably won't be many that make it, but I want to try. I miss talking to my little friends!
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I think that's WONDERFUL!! If we just keep trying, hopefully we will eventually succeed where others are failing. We just have to be persistent and try to keep the predators away for a bit while the population grows. How wonderful of you!! It is so sad that they are disappearing! I would sure hate to lose such a magnificent species. Even the specialists don't know enough about them to successfully release them from coop. But I am finding that people here seem to know more about them than the specialists lol. I know that even man is a predator, as Bobwhite are hunted for food. But I think hunters need to think about the total loss of them, and help to revive them before continuing to hunt...just my opinion. I think if the environment is right and there are weeds, grasses, woody hiding places, bugs, and a water source, and we release just before breeding season so they can get acclimated, and we try to scare predators away for awhile, it will work!! Happy Conserving!! I'll pray for your success and that you may someday be able to call with your friends, the Bobwhites again!! I adore them!! I'm moving to the Arkansas Ozarks in a few years to retire, and will be joining this cause myself there. I think I am also going to speak to the Native Chiefs, Elders, and Council here in New Mexico, as they have most of the land here still, and see if we can't try here too. Bobwhites used to be here 100 years ago, and they are all but gone, only found at the far east borders now. In fact, people have no idea that we have lost the population of the entire west half of the United States in the past 100 years. I'm surprised no one even cared, especially because Bobwhites are hunted and consumed by man. You'd think someone would have spoke up much sooner. But instead, they just get them shipped from the midwest and eastern states, and then charge 30 to 50 bucks or more for quail dinner. It saddens me. We should replenish them before we consume them to extinction.
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