Hello, and thank you so incredibly much for reading this. I am wondering how old my chicks have to be to go into the big girls coop. They are already fine with each other (which is great!!!!) so I am just wondering about weather and temperatures. I live in Illinois, and this weekend, my chicks will be 5 weeks old. We have 6 chicks, and 4 hens. They are so adorable. I will attach pictures if anyone would like to see them. Anyways, it will be a high of 75 degrees this weekend, but a low of 57. Should I wait another week? I really do not want to. Will they be okay to go out, even at night this weekend? Let me know, because I am so eager to get them out of my garage, but I really don't want to kill them of cold for them. I mean, they are 5 weeks old. Let me know!! Thank you all so much! More responses the better!!!!!!

Thank youuuu

- eve :)