How To Tame Chickens from the Start

Love the suggestions however - I have an 11 month old & a 2 yr old so getting them out and about around the house isn’t really an option for me but we do take them outside every day for some outdoor fun in their coop area and on the grass! I’ve got RIReds and they can be skittish but I’m hoping continuous love and petting will help.
This works well for chicks raised in a brooder. I would hesitate to take chicks far away from the mother hen whether real mother or broody. For me I follow a lot of these techniques but I do it within the run. I have a low stool right outside my brooder coop so everything is done with Mama right there. It helps if your older hens are used to being held and cuddled. The young chicks always seem fascinated to see Mom being held!
Great article! We are a day away from getting a new batch of hatchling for our brooder and she is a Wyandotte that is super friendly. Getting Barred Rocks as I love how affectionate they are and keep us entertained. Just a shake of the worm bag and they come running. There favorite spot to sit in the evening is next to me or on my lap!
I love all the different ways people have of dealing with 'friendly' chickens. I handled the chicks quite a bit when babies and now, when they go into roost at night (I only have six), I pet each one several times and tell them how good they are. But beware, they are now so tame I have to watch where I walk as they are underfoot and when weeding in the garden, I have to keep pushing them out of they way as they help me! Be careful of what you wish for!
I like how you explain the different stages of development. I’ve spent many hours on the ground letting my chicks poop on me , and getting to know me . It really pays off . I’m convinced that once they’re grown they know you are a friend, some are even too friendly
I can't wait to have a chick grow up to love me this way! I've gotten both my chickens as hens and they think I'm a monster!
very helpful!
Thank you, this was very helpful. I have new chicks coming soon, I can’t wait for the cuddle fest :)
A little too late for me to do it completely right, but really helpful.
I enjoyed the article. Lots of good info.
I was thinking though how fortunate I was to have tamed all my birds just by the fact I am in the yard with them most of the day every day.
But I am noticing it is a two edged sword. On one hand it feels sweet that they like following me around. But when I reach the bottom ring of a ladder with my arms full and nowhere to put my foot without stepping on a chicken, it gets unnerving.
Today while ripping down a 12' long 2 x 8 on my table saw, I was attempting to balance the board balance myself and not kick or step on one of the four young pullets under that follwedf me to the saw.
I read somewhere on BYC that scaring them one time can undo a lot of that bond of trust.
I recently started back up with chickens. I got 16 chicks from various breeds, but chose 8 blue Australorps because they are so docile and inquisitive.

From day one I would talk to them and put my hands on the brooder, moved very slow and talked very quietly, just like this article suggests. Lots of petting as the days went by, and just sitting with my hands in the brooder to let them get familiar with fingers and how hands move. It really works!

Now, at 7 weeks, all i have to do is shake a spice bottle full of meal worms and they come running. They climb all over me and love to cuddle!

Tame chickens are the best and this article is a HUGE help!!
This is a fantastic step-by-step tutorial and I can attest, it works! Tame chickens are so enjoyable!
Wow, great tips and details. Really did help me!
Love how you bonded with your cutie pies!
Gentle, nature and soft gestures, along with a special call they can associate with you for later on when you want to draw them in from danger. This is a good article.
I've done a little bit of that with my Columbian Wyandottes. They're about 7 months old now, and very friendly and curious. Not so much into cuddling anymore but I've noticed that as they get a little bit older, they don't act so nervous when I pick them up. Of course they've always loved being tucked under my arm for a short walk around the farm. That usually winds up near the the pile of grass clippings and some quality scratching and snack-time.

Overall, excellent article and wonderful advice.
I love the informative text on how we should teach our chickens to be friendly and not be afraid of us. It will really help me with my chicks. Thanks so much for the great article.
I love the mention of the "flying" happy behavior when they follow you as youngsters. What a great article with cute photos to accompany it. I also highly suggest trying clicker training with young birds to help further socialize with them
:thumbsup GREAT WORK!:goodpost:
Great work! This was super enjoyable and interesting! I’ll have to follow your methods next batch of chicks!
I'd consider myself a veteran, even after only 3 years. But there were a few tips in here--like taking them out of the brooder to let them wander even at a young age and come back to your lap--that I hadn't heard. We're going to try this today. Thank you!
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