Miracle's Box

Great contraption but just how practical?
This is a good solution. But. What about air flow? How hot does it get in there? Will they be cooked, say, on a 40 degree [100 degree] day? I don't think it is very practicle or good for hot climates, but, if it suits you, great.
I think it is obvious that you have a unique set of skills and quite the understanding of technology, data collection, and engineering. And, if this solution works for you, that is excellent. However, I don't think the majority of people would be able to pull of creating a box like this. In fact, I would say that this is more of a set of instructions to a trained individual than it would be to a layman. It is a very interesting article and very interesting to read, but I don't think it's at all practicle.
That's really clever!
While this is interesting to read, it is an absolute crazy „solution“ to keeping a rooster. I understand that the zig zag holes allow for some air exchange, but when you take into account that you need a square foot size opening to the outside (with nothing more than hardware cloth impeding the air flow) per chicken to assure proper ventilation it becomes obvious that this box can’t possibly be a healthy environment for a chicken...
The technical information is very helpful to those wanting roosters, but are hesitant due to the crowing. Even if you choose not to add the tech accessories, just knowing that reducing the sound with insulation and building techniques is possible, helpful and adapatable to most coops especially those DIY coops.
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Even though I think the workmanship is amazing , there is no real application here for the average person . Most People here struggle with fastening wire over wooden frames to make a chicken run

This article needs to be in a magazine somewhere, you should contact readers digest , I would read it!!

Good luck and keep inventing
I appreciate the feedback.
Well done! This article is fantastic!!!
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The engineering in this box is quite a feat. You possess a great skill set to do what you have here. The fit and finish are also quite good. Taking the time and effort to do this shows a level of caring for what would have otherwise been a rehomed or culled rooster.
Thank you
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Thank you
This is by far one of the most detailed and polished articles I have seen in a long while.
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Thank you
Superb build and awesome job researching this right. Thank you for documenting and sharing, this is amazing!
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Thank you
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Thank you
Interesting read!
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Thank you
I know nothing about the dynamics of sound beyond what I get from my stereo system. I know nothing about the dynamics of a rooster's crow other than that they're LOUD (And I have a BBR/OEGB just like Miracle.) I DO know about graphing and meters and meteorology. But none of that prepared me for this article. I don't know what else to say about this article except that you need to read it. There won't be many people "in between" on this one. They'll either "get it" or get lost ... and if you're someone who "gets it," it's REALLY cool!
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Thank you MROO. I appreciate the feedback and I'm glad you enjoyed it.
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