I decided a little over a year ago I wanted to begin this amazing journey as a chicken mama! I worked my hubbys tail off to have him build my coop, and he did an amazing job! We have learned what works and what doesn’t work in the last year and especially after surviving a winter with them, a rough winter! I let my chickens free range about 4 times a week but recently they have began wandering further than we like. Our Rooster is also not friendly except to me and trust me when I say that’s not by choice! He had to learn that lesson the hard way We just decided we wanted more chicks this year after seeing so many cute babies online and in different places so we just obtained 11 more chicks! We are in the process of building another rather large coop or making a large shed into a coop and that is a work in progress. We are also fencing in a large portion of our back yard to solve the chicken wandering & attack rooster problems! I enjoy reading forums and looking at others flocks on this page and I have learned quite a bit here as well, it’s a great community & I am so glad to now be a part of it!! I have officially come to hang out with the chickenheads