Just wanted to show you guys some of my pride and joys. My family and I had acquired pheasants a few months back. I had just found out there was such a thing as Ornamental Pheasants and was amazed by what I saw. Of course we had to get a pair and the number has grown to 10, total. I originally expected nothing more of these pheasants than to just sit around and pace when I came around but they have shown me they're much more. I even have got 2 of my babies to eat right out of my hands. The others don't want to come that close yet but do not mind my presence. Very silly little guys, the males always showing off to those girls. Well.. Here they are. Not all are pictured. They move around so much

Here is my favorite. Hundi, a Red Golden Pheasant. Eats right out of my hand and even lets me hold him sometimes.

I have Red Goldens, Yellow Goldens, Lady Amherst, and Silvers.

Here are some group pics.