Well 3 years ago i started living the city life of back yard chickens.. my mother went crazy and almost wanted to pull her hair out cause of this.. honestly she still does today cause i just never can say no to a cute little clucker, i first started off with 3 hens, then it went to like 8 hens and 2 rooster, got in trouble cause i do live in city limits with the roosters.. so sadly i ended up having to get rid of my first 2 roosters... then i purchased about 5 more chickens in the fall and behold! 2 of them ended up being roosters... Major FACE PALM! i talked to all my neighbors and made an agreement with them and now happily going on my 3rd year i still have my 2 roosters and no complaints.. cause fresh chicken eggs really do keep the neighbors happy :D... now its spring time and i have a total of like 18 hens and 2 roosters and now i got a shed FULL of new babies and 4 new baby geese that are so adorable.. i'm a single girl that just loves her animals with alot of passion. Some day my dream is to get out of the city cause i'm so shouldn't be doing all this chicken stuff here but i just cant stop.. they bring so much joy and a smile to me.. Some of them are just absolutely crazy and some are just sweet, and some are just out to kill me daily.. but its ok i love them no matter there attitude.. All i can say is i'm a proud chicken mama and happy to show my growing and loving flock to the world :D

Ok i had to add one more pictures cause i fell asleep the other after noon on the couch and i forgot i was holding my 4day old baby geese.. and my friend walked in to my house and took this snap shot as she was waking me up..

So here we go :D

she is glaring at me cause she doesnt want me near her empty milk jug

Azuri enjoying a nice dust bath finaly

Poppy Seed loves the camera thats for sure

Here is Isa my little blue silky she loves helping me collect the eggs.. such a sweet girl

Billy and all his glory,, what a turd bucket he is.. he finaly decided he wasnt going to kill the camera and pose all studly for me

Here are my 4 new baby Geese only 3 days old "2 white chinese" & "2 Toulouse" they are so adorable this is going to be my first time ever having geese so we will see how this works out for me :D

My big mess of a clutter of baby chicks so many different breeds but all so adorable i want to pick them all up and kiss and cuddle them all :D

Here is my black austrolop "Cougar" and her best girlfriend Silver Lace Wyondotte "Betty" just relaxing and getting a tan on a beautiful sunny day

Here are some more babies.. they are a bit bigger and older all my girls are interested and eager to meet them soon they will be part of the flock and get to roam around just a few more weeks :D

Here is my abnoxiouse and threatening SilverLace bearded Polish rooster "billy" and one of his main girls smooth bufflace Polish "Harley" she loves the camera he hates it he actually fallows me around and tries to attack and kill the camera and my phone the min he sees it what a turd

my smooth splash Polish "Sunflower" she is just a quiet and sweet as the flower is, she just loves to be held and loved up on she is my baby girl always fallowing her mama around waiting to see if i'm going to drop any yummy treats for her to eat <3

Light Brama "Maybell" she hates the camera cause she tells me she always looks to fat in the picture but i think she looks beautiful.. but she decided to run away instead

here is Billy again always having to get in the way of the pictures .... naw just kidding he was trying to kiill the camera once again... and there is Maybell dusting and suntanning as "Treasure" Silverlace polish Hen just stands there waiting for her to finish so she can dust bath her self or maybe she was just sleeping lol

Billy and all his glory again having to be in almost every picture.. standing and protecting his girls as they all enjoy a day in the sun dusting and tanning good boy.. but stop trying to kill the camera

oh look its billy again.. boy he is a photo hog.. infront of him is Blue "blue andalusion" she is so gorgiouse and behind her is "silver" my other Silverlace wyondotte

oh she finaly came out for a picture.. oh Poppy Seed boy this girl loves the camera she loves posing for me she thinks she is a super model.. but shhh dont tell her that chickens arent allowed on runways...

a few of the girls all comuniting dusting and sun bathing.. yup i think Treasure is sleeping cause she just was still standing there doing nothing lol

"blue" blue Andalusian.. boy she is gorgeous... i was starting to think it was going to be arooster till i found her hiding place were she likes to lay eggs.. what a little turd she is

here is one of my gorgeous and sweet blackwhite crest polish's... she was facing me at first till she saw the camera and decided to turn around what a brat

oh Ceasar... my pritty little silky boy.. mama loves you... one thing i love about him is his color and look at the rosary on that head.. so gorgeous

ok billy had to show me what he does best.. and very loudly too right in my ear ... TURD

here is Zelda my other blackwhite crest polish


Billy loves to strut

Here is Billy's twin brother Ted.. those two caused so much havic when they were together.. but what you expect from brothers

Here is my cat Tommy getting harassed by my bearded gold-lace Polish "petunia" she hates that cat with a pation

smile for the camera Patunia

now the boys noticed petunia chasing Domino around so now the boys decided they wanted to get in that action.. my poor kitty

Red, my sweet RR.. such a sweet personality.. and her most favorite treats are ROACHES.. omg i go outside with any kind of container empty or not.. she will fallow and squak at me like "were is my roaches woman" sit there jumping up at me trying to knock the container out of my hand

this is the first time my dog has ever seen a chicken.. thank god he didnt kill her good boy Hemi

Harley and Petunia hanging out cleaning them selves up as "Harold" my duck decided he wanted to finally get in a picture