[FONT=arial black,avant garde]Well, I am sad to say that my Silkie Daddy is getting picked on by my big roo..... it makes me blue to report I saw blood on the feather on Silkie Daddies head tonight and he was not allowed to enter the coop. I put him in on the nest box side with his wife and babies and he settled down for the night. May have to build a bantam coop and run next. I hate to break up Silkie Daddy and his girl EEr (we refer to her as the bird in the tree, she has yet to earn a name). Please cross your fingers chicky moms that Silkie Daddy gets to keep his harem alive. See he has 2 Mrs....one silkie, Silkie Mama and the aforementioned EEr. I'm hoping that Johnny settles down when he realized that Daddy Silkie is a lover not a fighter and is a really good Daddy.[/FONT]