I am a first time owner. Just got my chickens last night at Tractor Supply. I have 4 red stars- Drumstick, Omelet, Nugget and Teriyaki. two leghorns- noodle and Foghorn. two Speckled Sussex- pox and Dumpling. They are only about 4 days old and they are so friendly. Nugget loves being held and if she sees me walking by and I dont talk to her or pet her she will start screaming at me demanding attention - I think she might be a little drama queen lol. We wanted to come up with funny, comical names for our chickens and I think we have suceeded. Not sure if we are keeping the name Teriyaki or not, we will see. Well here are some pictures of my babies :)









Well the babies are a week old now and Sadly we woke up Easter morning and found that Teriyaki didn't make it through the night, she showed no signs of being sick. She was out the night before and seemed fine. But TSC was nice enough to replace her. Now we have sunny, we believe she is either a Leg horn or a Buff oprington. she is 6 days old while the others are 11-13 days old. they are growing up so fast ! Today was first time we had them out of the brooder and they loved it. had Drumstick, Pox and Foghorn out to roam the kitchen and where do they go? My lap ! well at least the like me !! here are some pictures of todays adventures ;)

they thought using my arm as a perch would be fun :) it was nice for me also, to see how friendly they were !! Hopefully they will still be like this as they get older :D