^ An Orloff Cockeral
Orloff Chickens
Orloffs were developed in the Persian Gulf. They are named for Count Orloff- Techesmensky. They are fairly tall birds. The have a game-bird appearance. They have a brow, beard, & also muffs. Their temperment is usually calm. They are slow to mature. Very hardy. Usually raised for meat. The hens lay light brown eggs. Available as bantams and standard size.
Standard size cock- weighs usually somewhere around 8 pounds
Standard Hen- weighs usually somewhere around 6 1/2 pounds
Bantam cock- weighs usually somewhere around 33 oz.
Bantam Hen- weighs usually somewhere around 30 oz.

Orloffs come in 3 different color variaties.
1. Black-tailed Red
2. Spangled
They have small walnut combs. Very small wattle & earlobes.
Very Rare.

^ The above illustration shows a Orloff cock & hen
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