View attachment 1627144 Peep peep peep was born the week before Oct 23rd She was bigger than the other peeps. No one wanted her now. She jumped out of my hand an onto my shoulder. I baulked at the 6 dollar price. I forget the name that I was to name her, put her in my parrots cage, had just lost that bird last week and my job. I was very stressed and this chick could fill the void like no human family members could. I put her under my wing. She lived in the cage next to my bed no need to move her to the yard. Then my landlord said, that chicken looks sick, he's not going to make it. Well I put a light on her and kept her well watered. I wanted the vet to give me some Gatorade but they were just too busy. I did not have enough money to get her some. So I walked out empty handed. Every day I looked for a job, I was back to work. One day I'd forgotten that I was cat sitting and I cried to my boss. He said does the bird fly? I couldn't tell him it was a chicken. Yes I said! Well the cat is not going to get him. Peep peep was an excellent flyer I couldn't get her to walk. She always jumped and would not leave my shoulder. The cat was fine. The chick was fine when I arrived. No one got eaten.

Fun with Phineas
After a week or two I remembered the name of the next chicken I got. Phineas Huckabee. So peep peep peep was remamed. And she survived both dehydration and my pet sitting. I really thought that Emerald, the pit bull wanted to bite her,but no. It was too cute how well they loved each other. Isabelle, Emerald and Phineas. I noticed a sneeze once. I noticed a tic. But I did not suspect sickness. I should have known better when that lady the feed store said "Buy two just in case". Peep peep peep woke me up every day. Peeping and happy to eat her medicated crumbles, some other things she loved spaghetti and went crazy when I ate shrimp infront of her. I would say that shrimp was her favorite and when I finally earned enough for the buffet I put a rouge shrimp in a napkin and put in my purse, something I've never done for any of my birds before. Phineas was special. She raveaged the shrimp But not when I put her in cage, only liked to eat with me. I did not notice that she was going to stop eating and always peeped . Jub Jub my only chick I raised in 2005 was healthy. I didn't notice that she must have been in pain. I did some very fun things with her. I took her out to say hi to my friends. My mother asked me how she is doing, they live in Boston so peep peep was like family. Did you carry her in your purse? My mother asked. Yes of course. We went everywhere together. She was doing fine, so I thought.
The End Is Near
The entire time, I would not eat chicken. I just love Chickens. I was getting her ready to go into the yard. She increased in size. I was counting my eggs before she layed. I ran out of food and couldn't find any would eat I came home to full food cups,she wouldn't try scratch or any brand. Refused to eat all her food I gave. Did jump into my spaghetti getting sauce all over her white feathers. I cleaned the cage every day for 15 minutes. I secretly knew but was hoping that those symptoms couldn't be Merecks Disease. But I knew. After work I came home last week to find my baby limping paralyzed. But enough flight to eat the spaghetti. She was so cute! I brought her into the emergency vet at 9pm. Dr.Backos said, How old is she? Well I looked at my phone and read the date on the pics. She's 8 weeks old. He went out of the room.the tech put a towel under her and gave her food and water which her appit came back! I said to Doctor Backos, she's a gonner. I knew it was Merecks Disease then I did not want to euthenize her that night. I didn't have any other flock so there wasn't an issue. We went home together that night for the last time in my chicken's little life. I watched youtube videos she really loved the happy chicken videos best She pecked the screen as she sat on my heart and responed to 5 videos. I sang, not in key mind you, but fairly well, "I will always love you" and "my heart will go on" I cried for this creature who made me so happy in her last days.She never failed me, even when she poo pooed on my pillows, my carpet, I just followed her around with carpet cleaner and a dust buster, a small price to pay for one backyard chicken. The next day she was completely paralyzed. But I promised to bring her to see my friend, Mr Lee, one time Mr.Lee had 3000 chickens. I showed him and asked him to say goodbye to her. He said the Kaddish for me when she could not keep her eyes opened. I gave her a proper burial at sea late at night. Your website gave me great preparation for this. I thank everyone on this site for your kindness. Phineas your life was short but you will not be a chicken in vain. Your friend, mother and owner, Robin Fox.

Robin Fox
Is in Boca Raton has been raising chickens and show birds since 1989.