Untitled.png Quail coop design criteria:
Quail are bad at ramps, so don't put any important things like feed on top of ramp. it is ok to have ramps though, if they can live on the bottom floor.
Quail poop a lot.
Need some kind of entertainment(dust bath, sticks, etc)

This is my design with 2 levels.

Bottom level: Two "rooms" seperated by a wall with a gap, one with food and water, and other with dust bath and sticks/leaves(this is so that the dustbathing quail don't disturb the eating ones and get sand in food)
Top level: With comfy grass(My quail learned to lay most of their eggs in the comfy grass, after putting insects when they come up there, so coming up was good. Then I only used insects when they laid their eggs there.) and shade.

All levels: Have a drawer to take out poop and eggs.
I keep them indoors, so poop is a big issue, I line the bottom level with newspaper.