Renegade Ridge Farm
offers its built, tried and proven

5 Tray Poultry Egg Incubator/Hatcher

5 trays allow you to eliminate all those Styrofoam incubators that you have sitting all around your house.
250 watt heating element and wafer thermostat. Electronic thermostat avail. Standard automatic egg turners fit right in.
Built by a carpenter/ industrial maintenance technitian with over 20 years experience.

Unit does not include trays, egg turners or water tray.
Questions welcome - before and AFTER your purchase.
I will be available thru email with any questions that you may have during your set up process.
We also offer How To Build It Yourself Instructions for the 5 Tray Incubator, 2 Tray Incubator, Brooder Boxes, Hen Houses, Pen and Cages, and Flight Pens.
Read more about our farm and products at
We have been using these for 3 yrs now and maintain a hatching rate in the high 90% -98% range.
I assure you that these units are very good quality. they are built out of 3/4" plywood.
I use 3 of these myself. two as incubators and one as a hatcher. I used one as an incubator and hatcher for a year and found that if i kept my humidity around 65% i had an excellent hatch rate.
I started raising different birds a few years ago and I always seemed to run into roadblocks. When I was trying to do some research as to the housing requirements I gathered what information I could. Then through trial and error I have come up with some plans that really helped me to raise and take care of my birds in the most efficient, space saving, and simplest methods that I could come up with. I try to keep my chores aggravation free, and try to make them as simple and easy to do as possible. We all know, if it's aggravating or time consuming we don't want to do it. When it came to incubators, it was styrofoam or go to the bank and take out a loan. Well with this unit, if you were like me, you probably already have the egg turners. The unit comes with a cd that shows how to set up the unit and also contains simple directions on how to make simple fixed trays for hatching.