Sequoia's Farm's Tales of Humor, Wit, Captivating, Dance-worthy.(reference) 2023 #1

Hello! I've been loving chickens all day, all night for the last 5-6 years. They've helped me, kissed me, groomed me, pecked me ( lovingly). But yet other people ( Non Chicken farmers ) still as I quote say " Are you Chicken?? " as Marty McFly says back " It doesn't matter what you think of me, I'll still love chickens" Okay, okay I know I sort-of made that last part up, but you got the joke- on the other side. :D So since others will say what they want to, I'll paddle my own boat instead of theirs! By Simply thinking, typing, and enjoying all my wonderful(l) experiences of all MY chickens, turkeys, ducks. And of course seeing them each day, and night. Then in this wonderful process, (which I'm sharing with you (wonderfu(ll) people)) I will know, because my heart tells me so.... that I only need chickens... And never people.
:lau :celebrate Anyways, Chickens reading this ( or those who basically want to BE chickens ) let's enjoy these adventures!!

Gorgeous fluffy Pani (which means Pom Pom in Polish), and Borla ( Poof in Espanol ) were just little fluffies, soaked in egg whites, fresh from the loving womb of the loving light with-in all, they hatch with peeping JOY, and rushed to the surface where they watched me drink my Jasmine tea In excitement!! They rejoice themselves as all of their buddies meet them, with 3 hatched, and 2-to go they're already all been made a amazing fluffer family beaming with fluffy tails, and songs of the future ahead. They're all gorgeous, and beginning to dry from their air fanned igloo of heat and rainforest humidity, as they lay and tumble, letting me know they have Vigor, I seem to really LOVE.
Love not only with my heart but with the beaming dreaming desire that I REALLY immerse from, I Sequoia, and like this chick, LOVE, Pure, and for sure to succeed in eternal greatness, and prosperity. For I am worth MORE than any being that tries to drain me or see how amazing I AM. This Chick beaming with eternal joy, sings to me, and I Love these babies, with all colors and shapes gleaming in their own individual desires, hopes, dreams, deep healing is what birds give me. I'm not a human.. I"M A RAVEN. And these chicks, all beautiful different, deserve to know: They are LOVED. And I tell them EVERYDAY!! Thank you.
Story 2:
Retro ( My Silkie, Austrolope cross) is running across his freshly grass pecked lawn with excitement! He sees I have a hand-FULL of grain, worms, grubs or what else he thinks in his massive smart baby brain of his. He runs:jumpy hopping around like a dancing fairy, he cocks his head around me, (of course looking for anything I DROP!) he's skipping and jaunting all with great purpose!!

"She'll Give me treats IF I dance!!", Retro says in BOK BOK language (very complex language)
Yes, In case you were in fact wondering, he did get treats, Because.... He's CUTE!!
So this man O' mine, isn't just a roo, he's also master at being a gentleman, in fact yesterday all my dividing fences blew Down WHEWWWWWWWW- bam!!
and all the roosters were in fact FREE to go where EVER they wanted, But Instead of breeding, and lady courting, they just.. Didn't MOVE!! lol.. So I of COURSE wondered:
"Where are those pooper, coopers, cutie, boopers??" (yes that's my thoughts)
So I went around the corner to the gate of wich the roosters roam, and the were.... (UP) low and behold!!! Up roosting... I mean dudes! You had so many lady dance chances! LOL, but instead they were up sleeping with their turkey friend Antwan, and dreaming of of course: More women, heheh. But before I continued my mocking boking, I realized that a load WAW WAW WAW ( the Real SOUND Ducks make) was just wailing behind me, with joy!!

Those crafty ducks, they must be related to squirrels I thought.
But then, all of a sudden Retro, and Quick-Silver (Mr. Speedy Silver Boy-o) Jump down, because they want to show off to their human lady MAMMA RAVEN! Of course!! So instead of the roosters being stand-off-ish to those QUACKERS they all just ----
VAMOS like Jay and the Americans- They be GONE!!! HAHAHHA :lau✌️

So Of course I wonder, for a second or 2,
"Why aren't you guys staying down here with you Mamma Raven??", "Don't you want a pet?" I said with silliness in my cute voice.
QUACK QUACK QUACK ( kind of noise ducks make) Just RUNG behind me!! Knocking my sockless socks off!! So of course I say to the quacking crew:
""Leaf BOI!!, how are you bud??", "Why are you over here?" I wondered without a concern.
he of course answered with only a smug look and said
"Yeah, I'm escape MASTER", although said without lips, or movement. I know he said that!
So Leaf MANN (Indian Runner duck, green bill) Just kind of ran at the roos and told them to DUCK OUT DUDE!
and... They listened, quick might I add!

👧:lau:lau:gig"Hysterical!" I thought silently but laughing in my hard stubborn head o' mine!
So.... the lesson is, Keep your DUCKS IN A row, ON the OTHER side OF the FENCE!
The end.
thanks for reading, have a great day and stay tuned for more, additional stories, of SEQUOIA'S BIRD Farm!!
:D With love- Sequoia Raven, and all story additions: Leaf MANN(BOI), Retro, Quick-Silver, Pani, KICK BUTT- Mrs. Pleezy :D, oh and Borla :D. Bye for now

will post more!! ;D
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About author
Sequoia Raven Bird Farms
I Love writing/typing, learning and teaching.
Have a good day.
Antwan (turkey tom); Jazzelle (turkey hen); Investigator; Chicken hawk; Viayla; Valorie; Rebeccia; Ombre; Majestic; Angel, Borla; Ms. Pleezy; Roody; Noodle; Randy (or Randal); Speedy C. A. ; Raven Runner; Patti; Ducks; Mrs. Pretty ; Leaf Mann; Ms. Rolley; Quilly; Moliver (or Molly); Sweet Pea; Pearl; & me.
G' day.

Latest reviews

Quite a descriptive story about your little flock, complete with sounds! I almost thought I was reading a children's book. You should consider writing a story for a children's book, but of course, there are a few sentences in there they'd not understand.

"...that I only need chickens... And never people." -- some days, don't we all. ☺️
Sequoia Raven Bird Farms
Sequoia Raven Bird Farms
Thank you so much Deb! :D That last sentence is from my soul 🤣🤣


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Sequoia Raven Bird Farms
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