A small flock that makes me smile!!
I have a few chickens and ducks that make up my back yard flock. When I need a break from whatever, I go watch chicken TV. I'll introduce you to some of the flock

This is Chick Norris. He is a teeny guy, but the flock leader lol. He has the cutest crow EVER. He has a few girlfriends, yes, they know about each other

His main squeeze is Miss Kat Williams. She is DINGY, but cute!!

This is Alice. She's the top girl... Not really a bully, but ya just know she's in charge.

This is Buff. He used to be part of my flock, but it was my rooster or my daughters. I MISS him sooooooo much

Buffs baby pic
Lucky for me, he lives half a mile away and I go see him all the time

This is cody. Still unsure of Cody's sex, But she/he is a cutie!

The 4 pekins.... White fancy ducks in a kiddie pool

I love this pic!!

Lilly, Daisy and Rod... Rod is a roo, and Lilly and Daisy are still TBD Confusing BOs!!!!!

I have a few new girls that I need to get pictures of... That's my flock I hope you enjoyed!