The Lava Lounge

What a stout coop! Y'all either have some carpentry experience or did tons of research. I love the detail of your coop article and all of the explanatory pictures! Awesome job!
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Both! Hubby is brilliant, and he likes to build things. I’m a very lucky woman. 👍🏻👍🏻
What a great size coop!
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Thanks! It works really well for us. It’s big enough for the Flockers and it’s big enough for me.
Nicely detailed build and lots of pictures. I love the use of vertical space in the run.
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Thanks! The girls really love the loft. There’s a food bowl up there, so my shy girls can eat in peace, it has an awesome view out into the woods, gets a breeze and shade in the Summer, and it’s high up, which they love.
Nice and spacious. I love the built-in brooder and the fact that you updated it as you made alterations to suit your flock's needs.
What a great set-up! There is a LOT of light in this coop - real windows! Having a couple of years of "change and adjustment" notes is a big help, as is the "What I'd do differently" comments. The best part of this whole build, though, at least in my opinion, is the addition of the chair. There is absolutely no better place to observe our biddies than from a front row seat ... and you can't get any more "front-row" than inside the run!
Lol, my girls think of me as their own personal jungle gym!
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