Utility Trailer Brooder

Unique idea and simple article on it. The article did include measurements, but I would like to have seen more building instructions and possibly the wire top (and how that worked).
Very clever. A list of the materials used, and a picture of it finished with the chicks in it would improve this article.
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Clever and spacious. I particularly like the heat boxes and the ability to divide it. It would have been great to see the chicken wire top in place to understand how it was made.

I'm a little concerned about the contact paper, which is likely to be slippery and could contribute to splayed legs.
Love the idea of a mobile brooder!
The article is well written, but the small font makes it harder than it should be. Those heat boxes are a nice idea too.
Having mobility for a brooder is a great idea. I know of people who spend ages carrying their chicks in and out every day.

How did it work out? Did you make any changes?
Very nice Brooder build
This is a nice re-use of materials but I found it hard to read the small font type...is it possible to update the article with an easier to read size of type?
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