*Verge of War* Character Page

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Name: Audric Edinburgh
Age: 49
Gender: Male
Personality: Serious, loud, ferocious, opportunistic, over bearing
Skills: Strategizing battle plans, leading, swordsmanship
Side: Edinburgh
Rank: King
History: Inherited the throne from his great grandfather
Description: Icy blue eyes, curly brown hair, bushy beard, tall, broad shouldered
User: Crazychicklady7

Name: Mariah of Edinburgh
Age: 42
Gender: Female
Personality: Patient and outwardly kind, but can be very demanding and condescending if she chooses to be
Skills: Embroidery, reading and writing,
Side: Edinburgh
Rank: Queen
History: Before her marriage to Audric, she was a duchess. She married Audric strictly for political advantages, but slowly grew to love him.
Description: Wavy golden hair, green eyes, short and slim.
User: SilkieCuddles

Name: Serenity of Alnwick
Age: 36.
Gender: Female.
Personality: She is very strict and rigid when in public, but behind closed doors she is quiet and kind, she loves her children very much and her husband the King, she likes to do many things herself, she hates the fact that they need servants, but knows it is needed to keep the castle in order. She despises people who own slaves, she thinks it is despicable and disgusting, and she refuses to have slaves in her home.
Skills: Swordfighting, Reading, Writing, Horseback Riding.
Side: Alnwick.
Rank: Queen.
History: Her father was a friend of the kings father, he was a wealthy lord and his best friend and closest advisor. When she was born and his son was born her father and the king arranged that they would be married. When she was told she would be married off the the kings son, she was not that upset, they we're good friends and spent most of their time together. When they got married she found out all her training to be a queen was highly impractical, having to figure out much on her own, she liked working herself, and she took up swordfighting, not wanting to be one of those women who couldnt defend herself, and she enjoyed it, and was proficient with it, when she was in her early twenties she and he husband we're riding back to the castle from dealing with a town who was trying to start a rebellion, they were attacked by assassins, she had killed two men that day, and though she didnt like doing it, she knew it was necessary for her own protection, and had no qualms with killing in protection of her husband, children, or herself. When Gwen was born she was the happiest woman alive, she had been in labour for nine hours and she felt like tearing the skin off of someone the whole time, but after it was done, she didnt care it was all worth it. her second daughter Adreienne's birth was much easier. She always takes the time to go for a walk in the day and train in swordfighting, and She still enjoys running the household and making sure things go smoothly.
Description: Waist length Fiery red hair, straight. Emerald green eyes, freckles, tall, strong frame, lightly tanned skin.
User: Essence


Name: Gwen Alnwick
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Personality: Kind, caring, courageous
Skills: Musically talented. Plays flute harp, horse backing, speeches
Side (castle name): Alnwick
Rank: Princess
History: Grew up in the castle knowing that her marriage would be arranged, but hasn't come to embrace the fact until just recently
Description: Fiery red hair, curls,porcelain skin, freckles, medium height, delicate frame, green eyes

User: Crazychicklady7

Name: Alan
Age: 16
Personality: Annoying younger brother sometimes, and determined to be the best swordsman
Skills: Black smith and sword combat
Rank: Prince of Alnwick
History: ?
Description: Sandy brown hair, blue eyes, white skin, average weight, 5 foot 8 inches tall, a slightly muscular build
User: Flock Master64

Name: Elaina Alnwick
Personality: Bossy, intelligent, prefers to be the one in control
Skills: Horseback riding, chess, leading
Side (castle name):Alnwick
History: Born and raised in the castle, but isn't betrothed yet like Gwen. Twin to Thomas
Description:fiery red curls, ice blue eyes, fair skin
User: Crazychicklady7

Name: Thomas Alnwick
Personality: Loud, rambunctious, social, happy-go-lucky
Skills: Archer, swordsman ship, scaling walls (that's a talent?)
Side (castle name): Alnwick
Rank: Prince
History:born and raised in the castle. Twin to Elaina
Description: Tall for his age. Dark red, curly hair. Green eyes.
User: Crazychicklady7

Name: Adrienne Alnwick
Age: 8
Gender: Female
Personality: Happy, energetic, optimistic, and wants to be in on everything
Skills: Eating sandwiches and getting into trouble
Side (castle name): Alnwick
Rank: Princess
Description: straight red hair, bright blue eyes, slight build, and a crooked smile.
User: MadamPoofyBrow

Name: Edwin Edinburgh
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Personality: Spoiled and a bit selfish so he's used to getting his way, but also caring and kind
Skills: Very skilled at archery, sword fighting, horseback-riding, hawking
Side (castle name): Edinburgh
Rank: Prince
History: Betrothed to the princess of Alnwick whom he has never seen more than a couple times.
Description: Tall, muscular, short sandy-colored hair, green eyes
User: SilkieCuddles

Name: Lariah
Age: 20
Gender: female
Personality: very elegant and graceful; she is usually calm and has a mask of the 'perfect princess', but inside she is fierce and very independent
Skills: she has a strong, almost 6th -sense like intuition and can see pretty well in the dark
Side: Edinburgh
Rank: princess
History: She doesn't talk about it
Description: pretty; dark blonde hair; green hazel eyes; pale bronzed skin; thin but well built
User: Casper101popcor

Name: Jenel
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Personality: Energetic,rebellious,free willed, courageous,very annilitical in thought.
Skills: Forensics, sword and bow skills, knowledge of various poisons.
Side (castle name): Edinburgh
Rank: Princes sibling
History: Grew up in castle, wants to be of it all and be free to live as she pleases.
Description: Tall, thin but well built, very long auburn wavy hair. Light skin with some freckles. Blue eyes, thin but well structured nose, medium full lips, long dark eyelashes.

User: Beaky Buzzard

Name: Cliffton
Age: 15
Personality: Kind, though stubborn. If he doesn't want to do something, he casually avoids getting it done. He gets along with practically everyone, unless, for some reason, he has decided not to like them that day.  Skills: Riding horses and staying in trouble.
Side (castle name): Edinburgh
Rank: Prince
History: Grew up as a spoiled prince in a castle.
Description: Tall, slender, dark green eyes, and short light brown hair.
User: MadamPoofyBrow


Name: Peter Nicholson
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Personality: Daring, reckless, brave
Skills: Swordsmanship, archery, horsebacking
Side (castle name): Edinburgh
Rank: Nobleman (prince's best friend)
History: Grew up in a wealthy noble family, his mother died when his little sister was born
Description: Dark, curly hair, suntanned skin from always being outside, strong athletic build, medium height, brown eyes
User: Crazychicklady7

Name: Linnet Belgard
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Personality: Kind, gentle, quiet, patient
Skills: Hawking, archery, sewing,
Side (castle name): Alnwick
Rank: Princess' best friend
History: Daughter of a baron, brought up with the princess as her companion
Description: Medium height, pale, slim, dark wavy hair usually adorned with flowers, brown eyes
User: SilkieCuddles

Name: Jane Forster
Age: 20
Gender: female
Personality: Intelligent, refined, and gentle, but she's also quite clever and knows how to get people to do what she wants
Skills: Embroidering, horse back riding, archery, dancing.
Side (castle name): Edinburgh
Rank: Noblewoman. Lady in waiting to the queen
History: Her father is a very wealthy duke. Her mother, a dame, is a distant cousin of Mariah, so Jane was sent to Edinburgh to be lady in waiting to the queen, and in hopes of making a good match for her.
Description: long brown hair, green eyes, medium height, slender.
User: Silkiecuddles

Name: Edmund
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Personality: Chivalrous, cheerful, brave
Skills: Sword fighting, horse riding, archery,
Side (castle name): Alnwick
Rank: Baron
History: Son of a baron and lady; He has his own castle not far from Alnwick castle given to him by the King of Alnwick. XD
Description: Tall; short black hair; green eyes;
User: SilkieCuddles

Name: William Hughes
Age: 29
Gender: Male
Personality: Soft spoken and gentle but firm and unchanging in something he believes in enough; prone to be slightly sarcastic if talked down to.
Skills: Speaks French and German fluently, can read Latin, but was never required to speak it so he can't. Rides fairly well and is good enough with a bow and arrow or a sword if necessary, but is more fond of the arts and dancing.
Side (castle name): Alnwick
Rank: Duke: King of Alnwick's advisor
History: William is the eldest of five children and is the only son. Therefore, he is the heir to his father's immense dukedom.
When he was seventeen, he was sent to live with the court of Alnwick. Soon after, he gained the attention of the king and was often invited to give his opinion in political matters. He very quickly gained favor and eventually rose to be the king's most trusted man and advisor.
Description: Slightly taller than average height; medium build. Dirty blonde hair and bright blue eyes.
User: silkiecuddles


Name: Kat Willson
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Personality: Alert, protective, loyal, caring, smart
Skills: Archery, swordsmanship, knife throwing, not so much hanf to hand combat.
Side: Alnwick
Rank: The only female knight
History: She was forced to train harder than the guys if she wanted to be a knight, and many times had to rely on her brains to get through. Even with the extra training, she wasn't dubbed a knight until she was 19. Kat still struggles to prove herself.
Description: Wavy brown hair kept at shoulder length, chestnut colored eyes, olive skin, medium height.
User: Crazychicklady7

Name:Arthur Worthington
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Personality: Flirty, daring, courageous, brave, talkative, social
Skills: Archery, hand-to-hand combat, swordsmanship, horseback riding,
Side (castle name): Alnwick
Rank: Knight
History: Trained for years at the castle, and was dubbed a knight at 18
Description: Tall, muscular, curly brown hair, blue eyes
User: Crazychicklady7

Name: Richard Andrè
Age: 25
Gender: male
Personality: Cheery, boastful, brave, full of himself
Skills: Archery, sword fighting, hand-to-hand combat
Side: Alnwick
Rank: Knight
History: Sent to serve as a squire to King Alnwick when he was a boy, became a knight when he was 18. Won't discuss his past.
Description: Strong, tall, brown hair, green eyes
User: SilkieCuddles

Name: Vale.
Age: 19.
Gender: Female.
Personality: Strong willed, independent, loyal, intelligent.
Skills: Hand to hand combat, Swordsmanship, Horseback Riding, Bushcraft.
Side: Alnwick
Rank: Knight.
History: Vale was always shunned and mocked when she said she wanted to become a knight when she was young, but she ignored them and worked her hardest, it was the most difficult thing she had done in her life, but she persevered and made it through, finally being dubbed a knight on her 19th birthday, though she was never really accepted among her peers.
Description: Vale is 5'10 with dark blue eyes, bronze skin and golden blonde hair that goes down to her mid back.
User: Grymoyre.

Name: Grandle
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Personality: Tough, menacing, mean, smart, can be nice
Skills: Archery hand-to-hand combat, swords, many other weapons
Side: Edinburgh
Rank: Knight
History: Secret
Description: Burly, blue/green eyes, handsome, muscular
User: casper101popcor

Name: Jephry
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Personality: Friendly, determined, and dedicated
Skills: Archery, swordsmanship, and hawking
Side (castle name): Edinburgh
Rank: Knight
History: TBR
Description: Tall and thin, straight brown hair, and light blue eyes

User: MadamPoofyBrow

Name: Alfric
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Personality: Quite, secretive, shy, kind
Skills: He isn't very good at fighting - much to the kings disappointment. Sings very well, though does not do it in front of other people.
Is good with animals.
Side (castle name): Edinburgh
Rank: Knight (In training? Knights were very young sometimes)
History: Was born into a noble and respected family, however there was a scandal when his father was found out to be plotting against the king. He was executed and his mother was taken away and locked up. He was six years old at the time, and was going to be sent away to an orphanage, but the king saw something in him and wanted him for himself. So he took him in and raised him. (Really the maids raised him, or perhaps someone else in the castle? open to change.) But he never let him forget his origins, and never treated him as a son. He did odd jobs around the castle, and was trained as a knight, he is very unhappy. Though he is not mistreated.

I did a really quick doodle, I know it sucks but hopefully it gives you an idea of what he looks like.
His features are softer than usual, he has a mop of curly light brown hair, and hazel eyes. He's about 5'11.
User: Lsky


Name: Fent Raven.
Age: 19.
Gender: Male.
Personality: Talkative, competitive, fun, but stern.
Skills: Knife throwing, bowman, etc.
Side: Alnwick.
Rank: Assassin.
History: Hidden.
Description: Blonde hair, light freckles, bright blue eyes. Tall, with a thin figure.
User: Crazychicklady7

Name: Redd Hazzic.
Age: 26
Gender: Male.
Personality: Grim, grumpy, gruesome, enjoys watching people squirm.
Skills: Hand-to-hand combat, etc.
Side: Edinburgh.
Rank: Assassin.
History: Hidden.
Description: Short, brown hair, pale skin, bright green eyes. Slim figure, tall.
User: Silkiecuddles

Name: Heleman Lorecron
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Personality: Wry, confident, persistent, and maybe even a bit on the prideful side, but not by much. He can get annoyed easily if the other person is condescending, bias, prejudice, or ignorant. Other than that, he's usually good-natured, and it's not difficult getting along with him, even if he is a bit on the sarcastic side.
Skills: Crossbow, his speed at l loading one is unmatched. He has a fair knowledge of poisons, but he is no master in the subject. Camouflage and unseen movement comes easily to him, especially when in trees or near rivers.
Side (castle name): Edinburgh
Rank: Assassin
History: When he was very young, he lived with his parents on a small farm, right along the edge of the border where the two kingdoms met. During one night, a raiding party assaulted their house while Heleman's father was out, leaving his mother dead, and him hidden in the cellar. Moving closer to the main center of the kingdom, his father decided that his son would fight for this kingdom. Heleman started his training around the age of 14, becoming one of the more skilled Assassins in the kingdom, and after four years, he pledged his work to the king. He's had an eye for Jenel Edinburgh, for about as long as he has known her, (well, seen her,) that being part of the reason he wanted to get closer to the royal family.
Description: 5'8", broad shouldered, blonde Ivy League crew cut, skin tanner than hair, and is usually wearing dark earth tones. He carries his bolts in a quiver on his left hip, along with the draw cord, and keeps his crossbow hon his back.
User: Dragapacacorn

Name: Fawn Anfadil.
Age: 22
Gender: Female.
Personality: Tough, secretive, hidden, quiet, can be mean, but has a soft side once you get to know her
Skills: Swordsmanship, camouflage, master of disguise, etc.
Side: Alnwick.
Rank: Assassin.
History: Hidden.
Description: Long, black hair, usually kept in a tight bun. Pale skin clash with bright green eyes. Quite short, thin figure.
User: SilkieCuddles

Name: Sembil
Age:19-20( almost there!)
Gender: Female
Personality: tough, mean, clever, tricky, can be a sheep in a wolf's clothing, funny, loyal,kind(only to people she likes)
Skills: Great at archery, disguise, hand-to hand combat, swordmanship, horse-riding( she doesn't do it a lot), knows how to trick people into doing what she wants
Side: Edinburgh
Rank: Assassin
History: She fought until she got into the rank of assasin. Her family was chaos
Description: Long, dark brown hair, tan skin, thin, but well built, has hazel eyes, and she is very pretty
User: Casper101popcor


Name: Alexander (Alex)Durinham
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Personality: Shy at first, loyal, caring, overly protective
Skills: Archery, swordmanship, hand-to-hand combat, the typical guard skills
Side: Edinburgh
Rank: Guard
History: All the castle knows is that he recently became a guard, but he has had a very troubling past
Description: Tall, blonde hair, blue eyes, tan skin,
User: Crazychicklady7

Name: Jade
Gender: Female
Personality: Strong willed, outgoing and sarcastic
Skills: Archery swordsmanship horse riding
Side (castle name): Alnwick
Rank: Guard
History: To be played out
Description: Long black wavy hair; blue eyes .

User: Beaky Buzzard

Name: Genevieve
Age: 23
Gender: Female
Personality: Kind, courageous, generous, and fun-loving
Skills: Archery, swordsmanship, and horse riding
Side (castle name): Edinburgh
Rank: Guard
History: Has lived at the castle as long as she can remember.
Description: Fairly tall, long wavy black hair, and lively blue eyes
User: MadamPoofyBrow

Name: Azor
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Personality: Quiet, good at following orders
Skills: Horse riding, archery, sword combat, black smithing
Side: Alnwick
Rank: Guard
History: Grew up in the Alnwick castle town
Description: 6 foot tall, brown eyes, black hair, white, athletic build
User: Flock Master64

Personality:quiet, loyal
Skills:horseman and sword fighting
Description: Dark curly hair, greenish blue eyes, tall athletic build.
User: chickluvinfreak


Name: Alena
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Personality: Sweet, kind, loyal, caring
Skills: Sewing, cooking,
Side: Edinburgh
Rank: Servant
History: Her father died when she was 10. Her mother became unable to care for her, so sold her to the king and queen to be a servant. She is the prince's primary caretaker.
Description: Thick brown hair she keeps in a servant's braid, blue eyes, tan skin.
User: Crazychicklady7

Name: Katrina
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Personality: Clever, talkative, always sees the positive side of things
Skills: Practical sewing, horse riding, natural medical knowledge, wildcrafting
Side (castle name): Edinburgh
Rank: Servant/maid
History: Daughter of Anna. She moved to Edinburgh castle from the countryside and has been Princess Jenel and Lariah's maid since she was 11. Despite living at the castle, she visits her mother often.
Description: Short and slim; shoulder length orange curly hair, hazel colored eyes
User: SilkieCuddles

Name: Maud
Age: 48
Gender: Female
Personality: Chit-chatty, obedient, kind, motherly
Skills: Sewing,
Side (castle name): Alnwick
Rank: Servant
History: Has been the princess' and princess' best friend's ladies maid since they were young girls
Description: Short, rather plump, brown hair pulled back into a bun, brown eyes
User: SilkieCuddles


Name: Gavin
Age: 17
Gender: male
Personality: Confident (a bit overly so), spunky, mysterious, and a bit of a goof off.
Skills: Robbing Royalty and Stealing Stuff.
Side (castle name): N/A
Rank: Village Thief
History: Has roamed the streets for several years, gaining an infamous reputation for being sneaky
Description: Short and slight, scraggly black hair, grey eyes, unkempt appearance, and the countenance of mischief

User: MadamPoofyBrow

Name: Cedric
Age: 32
Gender: Male
Personality: Loud, obnoxious, and intolerable
Skills: Thievery, and talking himself out of situations
Side (castle name): Villager
Rank: Thief
History: Has lived in a shack, robbing the world, since he was 19. Met Gavin when he (Gavin) took to the woods as a kid. Offering him a place to live and guaranteed survival, Gavin took a job working as Cedric's sidekick. After Cedric proved to be a worse criminal than Gavin ever wanted to be, Gavin snuck away from their shack one night. Cedric has been spiteful toward Gavin ever since, and has taken it upon himself to steal as much stuff from Edinburgh castle as he can.
Description: Tall and muscular. Short blonde hair, hazel eyes, and a scar on the left side of his face. He is very creepy.
User: MadamPoofyBrow

Name: Anna
Age: 39
Gender: female
Personality: Quiet, positive, encouraging and gentle. Not a mean bone in her body.
Skills: weaving, sewing, herbal medicine, wild crafting,
Side (castle name): Edinburgh
Rank: peasant
History: She and her younger daughter, Katrina, left her husband sixteen years ago due to his aggressive behavior. Her daughter, Emilee, remained behind with the husband, something Anna has regretted ever since. She now lives alone in a cottage north of Edinburgh, but Katrina visits her often. She is well trained in healing with herbs, and is often called for by the castle to tend to the servants.
Description: Medium height, not heavy but not slim (?); brown eyes; blonde wavy hair kept in a chignon most of the time.
User: Silkecuddles

Name: Emilee
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Personality: Flirty, flamboyant, rebellious, acts smarter than she is
Skills: cooking, cleaning, sewing, riding
Side (castle name):
Rank: Peasant
History: Her mother disappeared when she was 3. She was left with her very commanding father who over works her
Description: Shoulder-length blonde curly hair, brown eyes, average height, slim
User: Silkiecuddles

Name: Harmony.
Age: 16.
Gender: Female.
Personality: Shy, very distrustful of everyone, enjoys working and a good challenge.
Skills: Carving, Singing, Wildcrafting.
Side: N/A.
Rank: Peasant.
History: Harmony was born shortly before her father was killed by a group of thugs on his was home from working in the nearby fields, her mother died when she was 13 for a unknown reason. (Cancer) and she was to be sold off as a slave but she escaped. Now she works hard to survive and is very wary of everyone and everything. She trained her voice to go lower and sound more like a mans.
Description: 5'5, Wears very plain clothes, old worn out trousers and a loose worn out tunic, she keeps her face covered in dirt and her figure as to keep the appearance of a young man to find work for food.
User: Essence

Name: Herja
Age: 27
Gender: female
Personality: boisterous, commanding presence, ruthless in battle, extremely loyal to those she aligns with.
Skills: Sailing, basic survival skills, sword and board, prefers a halberd.
Side: hasn't picked one yet
Rank: warrior
History: participated in Viking raids of shoreline kingdoms with her husband, but a storm off the coast has wrecked their dragon boat. She washed ashore alone, and is heading inland. She speaks some English.
Description: very tall, muscular, not thin, blonde, blue eyed, wears a breastplate, arm guards, and shinguards. Keeps her hair braided and piled up out of the way, but it falls like silken gold when she lets it down. Lost her helmet during the swim ashore, but managed to keep her halberd. Has several prominent scars due to various battles and raids.
User: Bantambird
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