New member from the beautiful Ozarks of Southern Missouri!!!


8 Years
Oct 8, 2015
Howdy y'all !

I'm 47 years old & have been wanting to keep chickens for YEARS. When I recently went to the store & had to pay $8.38 for just 36 eggs.....well, let's just say that I decided there was no better time than the present! I haven't yet purchased any chickens as I've been researching & reading up on how to properly keep them, as well as deciding where & how I want to house them. I also have a bunch of questions that I haven't yet found answers to & thought this forum would be a great place to start so that I can (hopefully) avoid making mistakes by learning from more knowledgeable folks.

In addition to the chickens I'm looking to get, I have 5 dogs (2 Dachshund/Corgi mixes, 1 German Shepherd, 1 English Mastiff & a Saint Bernard), 9 rescued cats and 3 registered Appaloosa riding horses...2 of which I bred, raised & trained myself. I enjoy all of the wonderful outdoor opportunities this area offers...horseback trail riding, hiking, kayaking, etc. I also enjoy reading. I'm an old-fashioned Christian gal who enjoys doing things "the old way", being as self-sufficient & independent as possible, tries to find the joy in the simple things in life instead of the material things & whose personal motto is, "Use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without".

I live in a tiny village of less than 250 people in the Ozarks Region of Southcentral Missouri. I own 17 acres of God's beauty situated on a quiet dirt & gravel county road with a spring-fed pond in the pasture next to the house and a wet-weather creek that runs through the other pasture & down behind the house. I have a large garden spot where I grow most of my own vegetables that I, then, freeze or pressure can to be used throughout the winter. Although I still have to use traditional electricity for some things, I've converted my house & barn lighting to solar power and, with the exception of the canning, I do the majority of my cooking with a solar oven. I wash my laundry with an old James-style, hand-agitated washing tub & hang it on the line to dry, courtesy of Mother Nature. I hope to convert more of my household to solar power as funds permit.

Thanks for letting me become a member & I'm looking forward to learning from y'all !
Hi :welcome

Glad you could join the flock! It's great to hear you are doing your research before you get your chicken adventures started. You have certainly come to the right place for any questions that you may have. The forum has many different sections for all your questions.

Wishing you the very best of luck getting started. Be sure to ask any questions that you may have, everyone here to help and very friendly.

Enjoy BYC :frow
Welcome to BYC. Glad you decided to join our flock. Sounds like you have a wonderful place. I would love to see some photos. :eek:) If you haven't done so already, definitely check out our Learning Center at There is loads of useful information there. Please feel free to ask any questions you may have. We are here to help in any way we can. God bless.
Yes, I saw a flyer for that at my local feed store when I went in to get horse feed. Unfortunately, I'm not going to be available to go....but, thank you for making certain that I knew about it!

My avatar is the view from my front porch early one morning when the sun was coming up. I'll have to poke around on my computer & see if I can find a few photos that'll give you a good idea of what my place is like & post them for you.
Welcome to Backyard chickens. I have to say a red flag went up when you mentioned 5 dogs. I am a dog lover but, with the new members who report that their dogs(or cats) wiped out their chicks, or flock - have to say dogs and chickens should NEVER meet. Doxies (yorkies, Chihuahuas) are the main small breeds that do massacre missions. Herding breeds large or small, are generally too rough with chickens, the big, big, breeds can be the most gentle on earth but, don't realize their sheer bulk is enough to flatten poulty.

Dogs + chickens usually = DEAD chickens. You never hear of chickens killing a dog. All dogs are individuals but, I would exercise great caution before deciding any are chicken safe especially when humans aren't around.

My avatar is the view from my front porch early one morning when the sun was coming up. I'll have to poke around on my computer & see if I can find a few photos that'll give you a good idea of what my place is like & post them for you.

Thanks; the sunrise is beautiful. I'll look forward to seeing any other pics you post. :eek:)
Welcome to Backyard chickens. I have to say a red flag went up when you mentioned 5 dogs. I am a dog lover but, with the new members who report that their dogs(or cats) wiped out their chicks, or flock - have to say dogs and chickens should NEVER meet. Doxies (yorkies, Chihuahuas) are the main small breeds that do massacre missions. Herding breeds large or small, are generally too rough with chickens, the big, big, breeds can be the most gentle on earth but, don't realize their sheer bulk is enough to flatten poulty.

Dogs + chickens usually = DEAD chickens. You never hear of chickens killing a dog. All dogs are individuals but, I would exercise great caution before deciding any are chicken safe especially when humans aren't around.

I actually have very few concerns regarding my dogs. Not only will the chickens be fenced off from my dogs, but I actually don't allow my dogs to be outdoors off-leash anyway. Frankly, they're too precious to lose!!

What I'm more concerned about is the fact that we have a very active coyote population around here. I hear them yelping & howling very close by every night. A friend of mine who lives several hours north of here keeps a flock of 17, also in a "coyote zone", and she said that she's never had a problem losing chickens as long as she puts them up in their enclosed coop at night. Plus, the guy that owns the farm that backs up to mine keeps a LOT of ducks & geese & doesn't seem to have any issues with the coyotes.

Sounds like you are an animal lover. Chickens are great. I would never have known just how much if I hadn't found out that we could have them here. So glad we do..just love them.

I have three dogs. None of them bother them. A Golden R. A dachshund, and a Schnoodle. I have a friend who has a Dachshund, she runs around with the chickens, but, has been a bad girl a few times. :/ Glad you have something planned for the chickens safety.

Have to say, this is one of my DH's favorite sayings!
"Use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without".

I'm thinking you may enjoy going to the Quotes thread. Will post it so you can look around.
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