
It's just rare for 6 grown birds to just disappear. There are usually remains. A fox can only fit one bird in its mouth at a time. Perhaps a pack of dogs.

I would be hoping some of the birds to return after their trauma subsides.
More information is definitely heeded. Pictures of your setup, tracks, holes ripped or dug, condition of any remains you find. 6 entire birds are a lot for one attack unless your dealing with multiple animals or something bringing birds back to a den.
6 chickens gone...daytime, and no mention of remains being found....

With just that small little bit of information, it's a bit difficult to nail it down. So as a guess I'd say you have a Vixen, with kits that she's feeding.

She'll be back though...again and again.
A fox will take more than one bird. They typically will kill a bird and then take the body off a little ways and leave it. Then they go back and kill other birds and repeat until all are gone or they get spooked. We had a fox attack three weeks ago. It took 5 of my chickens. We had feathers all over the yard. It is terrible and I'm so sorry for your loss.

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