Is this normal? First time chicken owner


In the Brooder
May 7, 2016
My GLW is my only laying chicken, so finding any egg is exciting. Today she laid her normal early morning egg, probably around 8 or 9. I got home from work and let them out around 3pm. TWO HOURS LATER, she's acting like she has to poop but can't so I watch her and within a minute or two, out pops egg number 2! Only there is no shell! never had any experience like this before. She has only been laying for a month or so, but still. Anyway, a few minutes go by and she seems to still have trouble downtown if you know what I mean. Give or take a few seconds and voila, egg number three! THREE?! Did I mention their again is no shell or rubbery anything, just the inside. She basically pooped an already cracked egg. Is this normal and/or okay? Should i be adding more of anything to their diet? Is this a diet problem? Any help would be greatly appreciated!
My GLW is my only laying chicken, so finding any egg is exciting. Today she laid her normal early morning egg, probably around 8 or 9. I got home from work and let them out around 3pm. TWO HOURS LATER, she's acting like she has to poop but can't so I watch her and within a minute or two, out pops egg number 2! Only there is no shell! never had any experience like this before. She has only been laying for a month or so, but still. Anyway, a few minutes go by and she seems to still have trouble downtown if you know what I mean. Give or take a few seconds and voila, egg number three! THREE?! Did I mention their again is no shell or rubbery anything, just the inside. She basically pooped an already cracked egg. Is this normal and/or okay? Should i be adding more of anything to their diet? Is this a diet problem? Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Not terribly common, especially after a month of laying, but not unprecedented either.
The soft eggs weren't 'already cracked', they never got shelled.

Don't think you're going to find answer in that common egg problem don't jump to any horrible conclusions reading that.

Any chance she has laid softies before?
Working all day makes that hard to know, might not even find the 'wet spot'.

What and how exactly are you feeding?
Do you have other birds?
Tell us more about your flock, housing, feeding, etc.

The coop

My Australorp

Easter Egger

Gold laced Wyandotte (my only layer so far)

Their current chicken feed (I started using laying feed no more than a month ago)

Nutritional facts

They love eating cantaloupe seeds, which I often provide for them probably once weekly. They also enjoy tomatoes, corn on the cobb, watermelon, grapes, sesame seeds, and the occasional mealworm treats. I love to let them free range whenever I can, especially when the rain subsides.

My GLW is doing fine today, doesn't seem to have laid anything since the shell-less egg a couple days ago. Her behavior is quite normal. Should I expect an egg in a few days or be worried I haven't seen one yet? She tends to lay daily so I'm just a little surprised I haven't seen anything... but then again, she laid three in one day so she is absolutely deserving of a "rest day"...or two.

Thank you for all your comments! Helps to keep me sane


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