Calling all snow Birds


In the Brooder
Jan 12, 2017
Not finding a lot of people in my home state of Alaska, looking to find other cold northern state forums, friends Thanks
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You're welcome to drop by the WY state thread but there aren't many of us there (in either the thread or the state).
Hello Saskatchewan! Wow I didn't think over the pole lol Cool :) how's it going in your winter wonderland? What kinds of birds do you have?
Lol, not that far when you say northern Saskatchewan it most means where the most northern population is.

which happens to be geography wise mid Saskatchewan!

We have barred rock, BLRW, white Wyandottes, Russian Orloffs, Lavendar and Lavendar cuckoo Orpingtons, molted Orpingtons(3), chocolate Orpingtons(3), blue Orps, blue and splash Cochin, bantam Cochin, silkies, blue and black copper Marans, blue, black, splash ameraucanas, Olive Eggers, regular ameraucanas, Easter Eggers, light Sussex, a couple Sumatra, a couple red cuckoo orps!
Lol, not that far when you say northern Saskatchewan it most means where the most northern population is.

which happens to be geography wise mid Saskatchewan!

We have barred rock, BLRW, white Wyandottes, Russian Orloffs, Lavendar and Lavendar cuckoo Orpingtons, molted Orpingtons(3), chocolate Orpingtons(3), blue Orps, blue and splash Cochin, bantam Cochin, silkies, blue and black copper Marans, blue, black, splash ameraucanas, Olive Eggers, regular ameraucanas, Easter Eggers, light Sussex, a couple Sumatra, a couple red cuckoo orps!

Wow, how many birds total do you have?

Very nice mix!
Close to 150 maybe not counting Guinea fowl and about 13 ducks, this is just after a very heavy cull we did yesterday!
That's Awesome! You must have a lot of great bird knowledge. I'm still learning all the breeds sure you all have some pretty birds and good recipes :)

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