Hawk attack, how to find wounds?


Mar 24, 2016
My little silver spangled hamburg was attacked by a hawk yesterday, she's still alive and is up and moving some. I'm not sure if she has any wounds on her body and she's so densely feathered I'm not sure how to look her over. I gave her a feel last night but aside from dirt I didn't feel anything.
The only wounds I can find are on her comb and wattles.
Anyone have any tricks to look her over?
It's just a matter of getting her to hold still long enough to be able to ruffle her feathers and give her a good checking over. Puncture wounds from claws may be hard to find unless you put her under the magnifying glass so to speak. If you don't find any puncture wounds, consider yourself lucky. I would give her a few days worth of electrolytes/probiotics in her water and keep your birds under cover because Mr or Miss hawk will surely return to the buffet table now that it knows that chicken is being served.

Unfortunately there is no permanent solution to Bird of Prey attacks other than not free ranging your birds and keeping their run covered with netting, tarps or hardware cloth whichever fits your budget.

Free ranging means that you will always be facing the possibility of predator loss so the matter is a personal choice. We have an over abundance of Birds of Prey around our farm. Everything from Bald Eagles to Owls and as a result it is too hazardous to even consider free ranging our flock.

Sounds as though your hen was a very lucky girl to get off with just a few scratches. Keep an eye on them and be ready to put blue kote on it if you notice any pecking going on from your other birds. Don't get it in her eyes. I generally use a q-tip soaked in blue kote when applying it to any areas around their heads.
I'm going to pick up some vetericyn for her facial wounds. The hawk that tried to make her dinner was small, too small to attempt one of the other pullets.
She dragged the hawk a good 10 feet before getting stuck in the lattice, she was limp when I got to her. If she only has a couple facial wounds she'll be very lucky.

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