Treats for chicks


Dec 11, 2015
New York
I was wondering what treats you could give to chicks that are healthy for them. Does it vary for age? Good for 4 weeks old but not week olds? If so, when you give your input, please also say the approximate age that they can eat this treat.

Have fun and be creative! I look forward to everyone's input.
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I would say no treats until about two weeks old. Then every now and then you can give some leafy greens of any kind, or dried mealworms. If you can find a earthworm to give to them sit back and prepare for a show. They all want the worm so one will grab it and run around and the others will follow and try to take it from the other chick. My chicks ran around with out even eating any of the worm for about 5 minutes. Its hilarious!
You could also make hanging treats buy taking a pine cone and tie a string onto it. Cover the pine cone in peanut butter or soy butter or anything like that and take some bird seed or chicken scratch and cover the pine cone in that then hang it for the ladies.
You can moisten a little chick feed and they think they're getting something special when it's really just their food and water mixed. Any age just take care to only mix up what can be consumed. This is what I do with the powdery textured food they don't seem to like to eat as-is.

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