Which breed of rooster should I add to my flock?


Mar 10, 2017
I am expanding my flock this spring. I have a bantam cochin roo with a mix of hens (2 buff orpingtons, 2 black astrolorps, 2 rhode island reds, 1 barred rock and 2 ameraucanas.

My issue is, I don't want all of the chicks to be bantam. I am new to chicken keeping, so if my information is wrong or off, don't mind me, I'm still learning.

Id like to increase the chances of having a cochin hen go broody, so I'm incubating my hens eggs, and I'm getting some easter egger eggs to incubate as well.

The Easter Egger hens will lay blue eggs, but I'd also like to have a brown egg laying pair for chicks.

Does anyone have an opinion about what rooster I should try to hatch that matches the hens I already have? I like the temperament best of the orpingtons and barred rock. Does anyone have an opinion on if its best to keep a barred rock roo or an orpington?

Which bird do you like the looks of the most? If you are not keeping a strictly closed flock, I'd suggest that you get a local roo from someone who is downsizing their flock. A more mature roo will have an established behavior pattern, so you'll know (hopefully) that you are getting a roo who treats the ladies well, and is not people aggressive. It takes a cockrel at least a year (usually) to develop his personality and "social skills". While you have older hens who will whup a cockrel who steps out of line, you can avoid the roo drama by getting a roo who has already become a gentleman.
That is a very good suggestion! Thanks!

Its hard to find local chickens around here, so my pick may be slim, but I get what you are saying, it makes sense. :)

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