antimicrobial resistance


5 Years
May 2, 2014
FDAs response to today's Executive Order

This is of interest to BYCers
In addition, FDA has developed—and is working to implement—two strategies to ensure the judicious use of medically important antimicrobial drugs in food-producing animals. This is a vital step to better protect antibiotic effectiveness for both human and animal populations. Accordingly, we asked the manufacturers of these antibiotics used in food-producing animals to remove all growth promotion indications. Once their labels have been changed, the products can no longer be used legally for growth promotion purposes, or without veterinary oversight. We have now secured the commitment of all 26 affected animal health companies, and 31 products have been withdrawn from the market. Two other companies have implemented label changes and we will be working with the other companies to make sure that they do so as well. The second track will ensure that all remaining therapeutic uses of the affected medically important antibiotics in food-producing animals will take place under the supervision of a veterinarian. The agency continues to work under a three-year transition period, and we remain encouraged by the process.

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