Mixing Bantams and Standards


5 Years
Jun 2, 2014
I'm a new chicken mama thinking of getting a mix of bantams and standards. I like the idea of bantams for space but I want eggs and have a big family. I know bantams are layers, too, but it takes a lot of bantam of eggs from what I understand and physically makes sense.

Is it better to get bantams first and get them a bit more mature then get standards and introduce them so the bantams are already more established, like less likely to be bullied? Setting the mood of the flock? Or doesn't it matter and chickens are chickens with their own personalities no matter what.

Any other advice?

I already have two legbar hens and two cochin hens ordered for spring (all standard). I wanted to add a just few Wyandotte or Cochin bantams.

Thank you!
I have mine together. They were all raised at the same time too. I think it'd actually be worse to raise them separately. I have a BSL, RSL, Australorp, Silkie bantam and two mixes (one of them is a bantam too). I got the first four first and then the other two 9 weeks later. Neither of the bantams are at the bottom of the pecking order.

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