toys for chicks

If they seem stressed they likely need more space. They should have 1 sq ft per chick by 2 weeks, not counting the space taken up by feeder and waterer. By 4 weeks it should be 2.5 sq ft. And, the sooner you can get them outdoors, the better.

You can add your location to the area under your member name by going to "my profile" and typing it in the location box. This is often helpful in answering questions -- like, when can they go outside. In the end, the best entertainment you can ofer them is the grass outdoors, to forage in.

You can add things to jump up on or hide under, a bell or a mirror if bird safe, and a roost or two. It also helps to move something around daily, as that makes the environment feel new or changed to them. They love a piece of sod with a little live grass growing in it. Try making a small dust bath from sand or fine dirt and wood ashes.
Oh I love that idea! I am going to have to draw on the inside of my brooder for our baby flock! I don't have much experience as these are my first chicky babies (now 4 weeks) but I added a pine cone, a few sticks and a clean, empty ice cream carton. They love climbing all over everything and pecking away. every once in a while I throw in a dirt clump for them to dig at too... they have loved that... I have one (my Orpington - "Cookie") who is queen of the pinecone. She stands on that thing all the time, balancing as it tips over and rolls around - so fun to watch! Have fun!
I had a swing in mine they loved, now its in their coop and they still love it. I also cut sod like one poster sugested they love foraging and its cute and funny when one finds a worm. I also tossed their feed (once they knew not to eat the bedding) in the bedding they liked to scratch around for it.
Mine were a week old when I tossed sod in, and they found earthworms. Meal worms I used to bribe them for affection when they were I believe two weeks old. I also fed greens and cottage cheese, I think that was the best bribing foof to make nice with the chicks lol
Awesome thanks! found there cute as all get out when one takes a meal worm and make the rest chase it around the brooder :D great entertainment for both me and the chicks

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