Is MannaPro Medicated Chick Starter worth it?


Jun 28, 2015
Hi! I've finally ordered my first 10 Buff Orpington pullets from , and I am super excited to be finally getting my first backyard chickens. I've been researching medicated chick starter feeds to buy for my chicks, and it seems as if the MannaPro Medicated Chick Starter seems the best. Can you please let me know your opinions and experiences with this MannaPro feed and if it's worth buying, or should I start my chicks off with something completely different & what you recommend. Thanks!!
We've been using this feed for all our chicks. None of my chicks have ever gotten coccidiosis. It says to use it until 8 weeks, but we stopped at 6 and used non-medicated chick starter.
Hi! and

I started my last batches of chicks on non-medicated starter, but after reading about so many losses from coccidiosis, I bought a small bag of Manna Pro for my latest chicks. It's almost gone now, and I will be moving them to Scratch n Peck starter for the next month or so until they are on grower with the others.

They seem to be healthy and happy on it, I have no complaints.
Cocci is in all soil but here in the north it's not a problem. If the chicks are not in area of other fowl and in non prevalent cocci area there's no need for medicated feed. After my chicks are brooded they go to a grow out pen that is moved about so not on chicken sick ground. So if geographically your not in high concentration cocci area and don't let chicks be on ground where other birds were for long periods of time (high concentration of cocci soil) your just spending a bit more money for no gain.
I've been using it and my 8 chicks are healthy and happy. Here in Hawaii, we order most things on Amazon, so when it is $5.50 with free shipping I order multiple bags. Right now it's nearly $11.00 a bag, so it's too pricey to buy any. I have two five pound bags left, so I'm hoping it goes back down again soon or I'll be making the two hour drive to the feed store to try and get it.

I figure it's worth it to give them a healthy head start at the beginning. You can't stop them from pooping in their food and/or water, so medicated feed seemed like a good idea.
Thanks everyone! My chicks are coming Friday, and I decided to get the Medicated MannaPro. I'm super excited to be starting this adventure, so thank you!
I use it with brooder reared birds where it is assumed at least some cocci are getting in from outside. The medicated feed slows the outbreak allowing time for chicks to develop immunity. if outbreak gets ahead of the chicks then I have to use more aggressive treatment through the water. Medicated feed not needed when brooder is kept very clean and dry with a single cohort of feed. Keeping brooder so clean is difficult when you also have birds outside and move between locations multiple times per day.

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