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UPDATED : My coop for "A French Hen" - The Run

This is set up in my albums but my complete run page is found under Coop Design. For complete details click on this link: http://www.backyardchickens.com/a/updated-my-coop-for-a-french-hen-the-run-2

I have updated my coop page to make it easier to read and follow. The added run was quite a bit more trickier than I thought it would be. the ground slopes in two directions. I wasn't sure if I wanted to level it out but then that would involve about an expensive 2 foot retaining wall, so I opted to work with what I had. I wanted the bigger part to be big enough to walk in, be predator proof and versatile enough to work with the weather. It also had to be removable, should we move I want to be able to reuse as much as possible. Someone else may not be as appreciative of chickens.

I hope you enjoy looking at it! If you have any questions Please let me know.
Thanks! @Hagar3 ! Definitely a work in progress. This spring/summer project is landscaping. And I want to build some lightweight panels to use a dividers that are easy to put up and remove to section off for young ones.

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