Tractor Coop August 2013

I took the basic coop and added a 6 foot run. I added protection for the hens with strong hardware wire screwed down. Adding wheels made it easy to move aroundthe backyard for fresh grass.Now that its cold in Buffalo I added a ceramic light bulb 100 w (no light) its on all day. a elecrtic water heater keeps the fountain clear of ice. Both the red and black hens started laying at 20 weeks .. the white leghorn is still waiting. She gets bullied by the back hen and is really nervous.I hope she will calm down and start producing.. I feed them Purina egg layer pellets and lots of lettuce etc..
Nice outfit. I need a duck house and keep thinking about a tractor as they are pretty messy and smelly. Could you please give us measurements - including the size of your wheels. We are retirement age, do your think an older person could move this? I see three chickens is that how many are in this coop? Thanks for sharing your pictures and for your help.
I just noticed your "Join date". Welcome, this is a wonderful site, I am still a newbie. We have had three chickens for 2 years and this last summer I hatched 4 ducks under a broody chicken. They were terrific but we never had time to build them secure housing so before winter set in they went back to their breeder. So now plans for next spring. Would it be a lot of trouble for you to take a picture of the back. Thanks very much.
The basic coop was a gift from my sons.. Thank you boys... They.found it on craigslist Buffalo. I added a 2'8'' X 6' fooy run with 10- wheels Rolls eazy on hard ground by one person..... I moved it near the house to run electric for the water heater and ceramic light... Using 8 ft. lumber it was eazy to attach to the coop. The coop is only about 3x3 Rolls of 3' hardware wire made it varmit proof too ... My 3 hens must like it . we get 3 eggs a day ..even in ths weather they are happy happy happy...

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