
My Coop and Run

My new chicken coop and run start to almost finished. Still have to finish the shingling and stain and landscape around the outside.
Well I'm new to this site so bare with me please. I'm figuring out how to set this profile up and add pics etc.These are some pics of my new chicken coop. I hope everyone enjoys and I welcome any questions or comments.
I love your coop/run! We wanted to do the shake siding on ours too, but our coop was a little rushed, due to a flock waiting in holding at a friend's farm. Very well done!
Thanks for the compliment. I like your screen name. I wasn't going to do shakes at first because of time. What I ended up doing is just the end and the front so that I could build the run. I still haven't done the other end and the back yet. Things went fairly smooth building it. As much as I hate vinyl siding I did use vinyl soffit and vinyl trim boards. They are a little expensive but I didn't have time to paint them all and still get the coop done in time. Also I will never have to paint them and they won't rot. Thanks again for the compliment.
Beautiful stuff Farmingjerry. We are gonna start to build ours at the beginning of July. What are the dimensions of your new coop, and the dimensions of the run as well please. Did you follow any plans? I am asking these questions because I am even newer than you are and I have just been soaking up all the wonderful info and examples on here. I am still in the final stages of planning and can still change some of my details. I love what you have done. I plan on doing board and batten walls to match a shed we just built. Also wondering what state you live in and if you plan on covering /roofing any part of the run. We get a good amount of snow in the winter here in North New Jersey and might have to. Sorry I'm babbling, but I really do like what you've done :)
Thank you for the compliments. I live in Connecticut. I've actually been kicking around the idea of covering a section of the run for shade in the summer.
The coop is 8x12 and the run is 12x16. I was going to do a different style roof to match my garage but I got ahead of myself and by the time I realized it, I would have had to re-do some things to make it work. That is one of the draw backs to making it up as you go. I didn't work from any plans. Just ideas in my head. Also the overhangs were an afterthought. They are worth the extra effort though because they keep the weather off of the shingles. Also if I'm unlocking the door in the rain I don't get wet.
When I was a kid we had chickens and the run didn't have any cover on it. In the nasty winter weather they just stayed in the coop. I am going to put some wire on the top though I just haven't gotten to that yet. I just shingled the end where the door is yesterday. I will be adding a few more pics soon. I also have to go back to the drawing board on the roosts. Not positive what I'm going to do with that yet. If there is anything I can help you with let me know. Stay tuned.

Good Luck and have fun!

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