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My chickens

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They are SO cute!! AWWWW. I have had 2 hens go broody... but none of them are very good mothers. I stopped being broody because she was sitting for 2 months (she would get off the eggs for extended amounts of time and the eggs would go bad!!) My silkie is now giving it a go but she keeps moving to different nest abandoning the other ones! :barnieI am glad that you got some little chicks out of your broody!
@BirdGirl2004 she actually adopted these little guys when they were 3 days old. :)
We don't have a rooster for my big hens (we currently only have a silkie rooster and he's too small to get near the big girls). We're very lucky she took to them so effortlessly!
@BirdGirl2004 also, my silkie hen has been glued to her nest going on day 6 now.
Fingers crossed I might get one to hatch!
I'm sorry you're having a difficult go at it. It'll happen eventually!
I just broke my broody hen. She was an angry puff ball but I need my eggs. I used playtex gloves to pick her up because I think she grew teeth. It was pretty easy. I just separated her in the temporary coop for two days and two nights. Hopefully she will start laying again today.

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