Recent content by 10jess_zweig12

  1. 10jess_zweig12


    Gave her 1/2ml. This morning I offered scrambled eggs, grubs and yogurt but she wasn’t interested in anything. She is still on roost- usually she is down by now. I’m worried she isn’t going to make it.
  2. 10jess_zweig12


    I need help please: My girl Dottie pooped out a roundworm Saturday.. I went ahead and dewormed her today with Valbazen and will repeat in 10 days. I have also noticed she isn’t eating very much at all. She will eat a grub but not any of her pellets. She hasn’t laid since last Tuesday but she...
  3. 10jess_zweig12

    Panting? Hot?

    My hen pants at night. She eventually calms down but it just looks so terrible! I have a fan in the coop and door open. Any ideas? Is she ok or just hot? I’m in South Louisiana.
  4. 10jess_zweig12

    Sexing Easter Eggers

    This is my first time. It’s definitely been interesting! Pretty good overall though. I have one hen that I rescued- she is laying already. She was getting lonely so figured it was time to get her some friends. They’re doing well together except at night she doesn’t really want them on the roosts...
  5. 10jess_zweig12

    Sexing Easter Eggers

    Thanks! We got 6 chicks hoping it would give us good chances of having a good amount of females 🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼
  6. 10jess_zweig12

    Sexing Easter Eggers

    Any idea of Roos or Hens?? They’re 5 weeks old. I know they’re not the best photos but any idea based off of feathers? I am thinking I have one too which is the darker one with white on it.
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