
In the Brooder
Apr 26, 2022
I need help please:
My girl Dottie pooped out a roundworm Saturday.. I went ahead and dewormed her today with Valbazen and will repeat in 10 days.
I have also noticed she isn’t eating very much at all. She will eat a grub but not any of her pellets. She hasn’t laid since last Tuesday but she is molting so I didn’t think anything of it.

I’m starting to get worried about her. Any suggestions of anything else I should do?
Should I confine her and bring her inside so I can monitor how much she is actually eating?
How much Valbazen did you give her? Dosage is 1/2 ml for a 4-6 pound hen. Can you try to offer some scrambled egg bits and some canned tuna? Make sure that she is drinking, and you can add some water to a small amount of chicken feed and stir, which chickens can find inviting.
You can also give her plain boiled white rice mixed with buttermilk to eat. The rice will settle her innards and the buttermilk will coat intestinal lining and is a better probiotic than yogurt. You can also mix it in her feed if you wish.
How much Valbazen did you give her? Dosage is 1/2 ml for a 4-6 pound hen. Can you try to offer some scrambled egg bits and some canned tuna? Make sure that she is drinking, and you can add some water to a small amount of chicken feed and stir, which chickens can find inviting.
Gave her 1/2ml. This morning I offered scrambled eggs, grubs and yogurt but she wasn’t interested in anything. She is still on roost- usually she is down by now. I’m worried she isn’t going to make it.
How does her crop feel—empty and flat, full, firm, or puffy/soft? What do her poops look like? I would remove ner from the roost, and separate her in a basket or dog crate with food and water, so that you can watch and check her often. Is her tail down or up? Is she walking normally? A picture if her might be helpful. There are things I use to tempt a chicken who is not interested in eating. Those include tuna, canned cat food, ground meat bits, and sunflower seeds. Once they start eating some, they go back on chicken feed. I feel like she has something else going on. Be sure to check for mites and lice on her skin.

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