Recent content by ADuckOnQuack

  1. ADuckOnQuack

    Feeder Designs

    Hi does anyone have any spring feeder designs you can show me please. I plan on making spring feeders for my chickens and pheasants and obviously the plastic barrel with open screw top is the easiest way of making one but I can get hold of these 25ltr barrels a lot cheaper, I guess one way of...
  2. ADuckOnQuack

    Drinker designs

    Currently I have a 100litre water butt raised up with about a 3mm diameter pipe running from the water to 3 bell drinkers with a larger pipe connecting to them. I find that the pipe is too narrow and any debris blocks the pipes easily. Leaving no water in the drinkers. I plan on getting a...
  3. ADuckOnQuack

    Broody and bought eggs question.

    Personally I wouldn’t as she may reject them potentially killing them
  4. ADuckOnQuack

    What could this be

    It’s a yeast infection basically
  5. ADuckOnQuack

    What could this be

    It appears to me she has sour crop, to treat it put your chicken in a warm & quiet area holding her upside down and gently massage her crop in the direction of the head. Putting apple cider vinegar with yogurt or olive oil in the water is a great way.
  6. ADuckOnQuack

    UV light pond cleaner

    I’ve been told to purchase a uv light to clean green water in the pond. The pond is 5000litres and it would cost £260 for one of these uv light kits from oase. Is there another reliable brand/product that will do the job but cheaper? Or is £260 what I’m going to have to pay to keep the water...
  7. ADuckOnQuack

    What is this I found at the bottom of the pond?

    Thanks for your replies
  8. ADuckOnQuack

    What is this I found at the bottom of the pond?

    Recently installed a new pump for the pond, however before I had put it in place the pond was a greenish colour, as they pump filters through a tank and trickles back down a stream I was hoping it was clean the water. So I decided to stir the bottom up and happened to find this in my net. We...
  9. ADuckOnQuack

    What breed?

    Thanks very much!
  10. ADuckOnQuack

    What breed?

    Anyone know the breed?
  11. ADuckOnQuack

    What breed?

    I don’t know, asking for a friend
  12. ADuckOnQuack

    How long to wait

    Depends really on how secure your coop is, if they are likely to get attacked by any sort of predator including rats then I suggest you either move the hen and chicks to somewhere safer or you raise them yourself. Also comes down to what breed of chicken she is. Some are good mothers some aren’t.
  13. ADuckOnQuack

    What are we?!

    Well it’s obvious, it’s a trio I was looking for the breed
  14. ADuckOnQuack

    What breed?

  15. ADuckOnQuack

    What are we?!

    Can anyone help?
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