Recent content by ahoppy

  1. ahoppy

    Problem hen???

    I have ceramic eggs . This issue started after winter was coming to an end. Spring and summer she has not been the same layer.
  2. ahoppy

    Problem hen???

    I have a sex link who is 1 1/2 yrs. old. She has quit laying or is eating her own eggs. I do on occasion find yoke remains but no shell. I am stumped as to what is happening?
  3. ahoppy

    Layer feed

    Very cool I'll put some out . See what they do. Thanks for your thoughts and wisdom.
  4. ahoppy

    Layer feed

    Darn. I already mixed the remaining starter I had with the new layer. Because of the mixed options and opinions I'm hoping to be ok with that. I have my small feeder I used when they were in the brooder, that will work for the oyster shells, but how does just the one or two who are laying get...
  5. ahoppy

    Layer feed

    So my girls are just 16 wks... One is beginning to lay. It's cool for me to start layer feed but hold off on the oyster shell until all are laying? And should I supplement more protein or depend on the 16% layer feed? FYI I'm not big on giving treats at this point, just a few times with fresh...
  6. ahoppy

    Layer feed

    I think she just wants that egg out if her....
  7. ahoppy

    Layer feed

    Oh yeah still good, just mixed. One girl is in the box now having s heck of a time , guess it will take some time getting use to the noises these girls make as they are maturing. Lol
  8. ahoppy

    Layer feed

    Hi my pullets are 16 wks old and just starting to get active in wanting to start laying . I want to change there feed from starter to layer but I still have about 10 lbs. if starter feed. Is it ok to mix the remaining with the layer feed or best to just get rid of it?
  9. ahoppy

    First egg....

    Hey there , I just found our very first egg. Golf ball in size , God Bless her. I found it out side in the run mostly buried under straw . I have 7 pullets using 4 nesting boxes. What can I do to encourage them to lay in the boxes ? Very excited their maturing !
  10. ahoppy


    I have heard just that that there is really no difference from starter to grower . I like your info and think I'll follow your advise. Thank you very much.
  11. ahoppy


    Thanks that's helpful and simple.
  12. ahoppy


    Hi , my girls are 13 wks old. I'm feeding them Dumor chick starter at this time. What and when do I make the change of thier feed?
  13. ahoppy

    Dust bath

    Well two cents well spent ...!
  14. ahoppy

    Dust bath

    That is good news for sure. Thank you and God Bless!
  15. ahoppy

    Newbie trying to learn how to post

    Don't panic when push comes to shove you can always follow your instincts. Are you mobile or on a desktop?
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