Problem hen???


In the Brooder
Feb 27, 2016
Spokane , WA.
I have a sex link who is 1 1/2 yrs. old. She has quit laying or is eating her own eggs. I do on occasion find yoke remains but no shell. I am stumped as to what is happening?
Typical of sex links to lay very well through the first and perhaps the second cycle, then they either quit laying or succumb to internal reproductive issues. You might try giving her some poultry multivitamins. IMO, calcium is only a very small part of the egg shell quality equation. She may not be metabolizing her nutrients well. The vitamins will either help her out, or her shell gland is failing, and no amount of supportive care is likely to fix that.
You might want to place some ceramic/rubber eggs in your nesting boxes.. they help tremendously with egg eaters.. and if you don't have access to those, or have golf balls lying around your house, they can work as well.
I have ceramic eggs . This issue started after winter was coming to an end. Spring and summer she has not been the same layer.

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