Recent content by akachanChick

  1. akachanChick

    Comment by 'akachanChick' in article 'Wry neck - Causes, treatment and prevention.'

    Fascinating! Thank you for the great article! My 10 months old hen may have wry neck but there are other symptoms that happened all at once as well, such as close eye (slightly swollen eyelids), inactivity, loss of appetite for food and water, missing patches of feathers, diarrhea, may have a...
  2. akachanChick

    Sick looking hen can't open eye, missing feathers, Please Help!

    Please help! She is worse today, her head tilting even further back and lie entirely on her side like she is dying... her bad eye is now mostly open only slightly swollen on the lids, but looks ok. However, I think she is bit warm like a fever? I am not sure how to tell if she I tried...
  3. akachanChick

    Sick looking hen can't open eye, missing feathers, Please Help!

    Thank you, I will try that! Her bad eye is now open up but not completely and the eyelids do look slightly swollen and whitish... To add to more observations, with each drink of water she takes (water with drops of apple cider vinegar added) her stomach makes this gurgling noise much like her...
  4. akachanChick

    Sick looking hen can't open eye, missing feathers, Please Help!

    Sorry, thought I had attached photos... but here they are.
  5. akachanChick

    Hello BYC!

    Somewhat new to raising backyard hens, excited to be a part of this great community! This is my 3rd flock, around 10 months old now. I am learning a lot from my past mistakes and hopefully continue to enjoy watching my 5 hens happy and enjoy life with us in our small backyard. Being in...
  6. akachanChick

    Sick looking hen can't open eye, missing feathers, Please Help!

    Hi, one of my hen (Peanut) appear sick today all of sudden. She can't jump up to the flock's normal feeding/play area (~2'-3' high) and not her normal self...acting rather weird, looking like she went thru some trauma.... but I don't see any clear visible injury except for the missing feathers...
  7. akachanChick

    Barred Rock & EE a Roo?

    Thanks for explaining the differences. Sad to find out but much appreciate the help! 2 out of 3 chicks (from the local feed store, supposed to be sexed) turned out not female... guess we must have poor luck and definitely much to learn...! We are new to having chickens for the home flock, is...
  8. akachanChick

    Barred Rock & EE a Roo?

    thanks! can you tell me how? just want to learn.
  9. akachanChick

    Barred Rock & EE a Roo?

    First time having backyard flock, my family is loving it.... but now we are thinking two of the four chicks may possibly be a rooster. Since we cannot keep the roo, we would really like to find a good home for them soon! Please help me identify! Any advice are much appreciated! EE is rather...
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