Recent content by alliekcb

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    Great Pyrenees - to buy or not to buy?

    I am a dog trainer and Pyr owner. Pyres are great flock guardians and and family pets. They, do, however, require training in order to learn their jobs do their jobs well. If you don't have the time or knowledge to train a puppy of ant breed, don't get one. If your training methods are yelling...
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    Lone survivor!

    Thanks, so much.
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    Lone survivor!

    Thank you all so much. She didn't make it. I have one broken hearted little boy. I'm really sad myself.
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    Lone survivor!

    Thanks. I don't know if she will make it through the night. She is so weak. I got her to drink a tiny bit of water, but just that effort exhausted her. The woman I spoke with at the hatchery said she has never had so many calls about chicks that did not survive the trip as she has this...
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    Lone survivor!

    I received a sad call from the post office today- my baby chicks had arrived, but there was no movement or sound from the box. We thought they were all dead, but heard one little peep. We have one, lonely, very weak, chick. I did manage to get her to drink a little water. We have made a...
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