
In the Brooder
Apr 27, 2021
I received a sad call from the post office today- my baby chicks had arrived, but there was no movement or sound from the box. We thought they were all dead, but heard one little peep. We have one, lonely, very weak, chick. I did manage to get her to drink a little water. We have made a chick sling (like a baby sling but tiny) and have put a heat pack in it as we carry her about. She has only been here a few hours. I have no idea how to help her beyond keeping her warm and getting her to eat and drink. I have other chickens, but they are only a few weeks old and have just moved to their coop this week. We are praying she is our miracle chicken. Any helpful advice?
She needs an energy boost
Many use nutri-drench, or egg yolk mixed with sugar water or sav-a-chick or a bit of honey water.

A mirror can help with the loneliness as well as a feather duster, small stuffed animal or even strips of fleece (think old sweatshirt cut into thin strips suspended where chicky can snuggle in).

Personally as soon as it is clear the chick will survive I would get at least 2 additional chicks for a couple reasons. It will make it easier to integrate later on and cure the current lonely status.
So sorry you lost your mail order chicks. 🙁I lost 12 out of 28 in an order last week, as well. Hard times for chicks in the mail these days.
When I hatched a lone chick a few weeks ago, I found a few friends for it at a local farm, it will save your sanity.
Agree a mirror can help, as well as a small stuffed animal she can sleep next to.
Good luck with your little one, hope she makes it.☺️
So sorry you lost your mail order chicks. 🙁I lost 12 out of 28 in an order last week, as well. Hard times for chicks in the mail these days.
When I hatched a lone chick a few weeks ago, I found a few friends for it at a local farm, it will save your sanity.
Agree a mirror can help, as well as a small stuffed animal she can sleep next to.
Good luck with your little one, hope she makes it.☺️
Thanks. I don't know if she will make it through the night. She is so weak. I got her to drink a tiny bit of water, but just that effort exhausted her.

The woman I spoke with at the hatchery said she has never had so many calls about chicks that did not survive the trip as she has this week. I'm pretty sure she was crying. I wonder what on earth is going on.
I bought 4 hatchery shipped chicks from a friend last week, I have one left it's very heart breaking.
@alliekcb add a tiny bit of sugar to her drinking water. Or Save a chick is another good one. I have been using Poultry Nutri drench.

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