Recent content by An Sun

  1. An Sun

    How to assure eggs WON'T hatch?

    And this is a bad thing because...? Forgive me, but I personally cannot fathom why it should matter to you whether they hatch the eggs or not. After all, you're getting paid either way, so I fail to see the detriment if they decided they wanted to try hatching the eggs. Once the transaction is...
  2. An Sun

    Keep a word, drop a word!

    Pretty chicken.
  3. An Sun

    Lest see your best stink eye!!!!

    To provide proper context, here is a picture of Metallia before: And after:
  4. An Sun

    Photos of you with your pet chickens!

    As you can see, My BSL Metallia knows who the REAL star of this photo is!
  5. An Sun

    Rattling Breathing - sounds like a cat purring?

    Cat purr sounds are probably an indication of contentment, much like with an actual cat. My chickens make the same sound sometimes, and they are all perfectly healthy.
  6. An Sun

    They may be chicks, but they are killers!

    Congratulations! If they can take down something like that now, just think of what they can bring down when they are older...
  7. An Sun

    Post your FIRST EGG pics!

    From our Golden Sebright Faile.
  8. An Sun

    What can't they eat???!?!?!?

    `It most certainly is!
  9. An Sun

    Ended Contest #1 Guess How Many Eggs Will Be Set - 5th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-a-

    Might be a tad low...but I'ma still going to say 1359.
  10. An Sun

    Keep a word, drop a word!

    Four elements.
  11. An Sun

    State a fact about yourself!

    Recently signed a pledge to refuse cage eggs, in order to help free future battery hens from the daily horrors of their existence via the following link:
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