What can't they eat???!?!?!?

Kale is a green leafy vegetable, high in nutrition, if you google "kale" you can see photos.
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ok thank you!Do they really love?I heard that different kinds of chickens, like different kind of foods.Is that true?
Grapes and raisins are highly toxic to dogs. They can cause adrenal failure. Onions are bad too they cause Heinz anemia. Just sayin'. I only know this because I am a dog nutritionist.
My old Lab nibbles champagne grapes right off the vine... at 15 years old I figure he can eat whatever he's willing and able to harvest for himself. His favorite garden treat is cherry tomatoes but he doesn't rob those vines, just begs us to toss him a few.
Honestly, store bought dog kibble (GM corn, soy, etc & unknown) is scarier than a few grapes off the vine IMHO
so i have barred rocks,some easter eggers, and others.do you know what they love???? i have tried all kinds of things but the only thing they will chase me for is lettuce with yogurt all over it. lol i have tried to give them lettuce but they wont eat it, i have tried to give them yogurt and they wont eat it but when i accidentally dropped the lettuce in the yogurt and threw it in their pin the fought over it lol
My Mom, (gone now) always gave her chickens what ever was left over from the kitchen. that included potato peelings.......she had chickens for over 50 years since I was little. I never saw or heard of any problems with her chix and she always had more eggs then we could ever use. She gave the extras to a orphanage near us.

Too bad your Mom didn't have a BYC "list" so she'd have known how many mistakes she was making. People's actual experiences don't count for nearly as much as "I read it somewhere" in responses here.
My old Lab nibbles champagne grapes right off the vine... at 15 years old I figure he can eat whatever he's willing and able to harvest for himself. His favorite garden treat is cherry tomatoes but he doesn't rob those vines, just begs us to toss him a few.
Honestly, store bought dog kibble (GM corn, soy, etc & unknown) is scarier than a few grapes off the vine IMHO

For some dogs a single grape can be fatal. Others, like yours, can eat all the grapes they want with no ill effect.
hi my name is sophie and I would like to know if chickens can eat letters ,egg shell and my four chickens are pecking each others tail fethers off is that normal or is there some thing that causes it. If there is please let me know if you can do any thing about it to stop it from happening thanks again from sophie please send me a email as soon as you get this if not I will send more emails if you don't get any information by tomorrow please let me know when you can reply thanks.
chickens can eat egg shell if you mash it up well if they even get one idea that it IS egg then they will start eating all the eggs the can and they will tell the other chickens that it is good and everyone will soon catch on

Hope this helps!

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