Recent content by angie3881

  1. angie3881

    Yikes!!! My peacock is losing his tail feathers!!!

    My peacock is young (3). I can't remember when his full train came in, but he is molting now also. Have also gotten NO eggs from my female. Weird. :/ Turkey's seem to he on track, though. Lol
  2. angie3881

    Peahen is acting strange

    Thank you, both- I am hoping this is it and she will be back to normal soon. I am experienced in restraining, it is the catching process that does not excite me. LOL! Will keep an eye on her.
  3. angie3881

    Peahen is acting strange

    My 4 year old peahen has been acting strange for a few days. She is walking kind of slow, her back seems a little hunched up and her wings are pointing down. She is not as active. I wondered if she might be trying to get her first egg of the season out. She just looks a little uncomfortable...
  4. angie3881

    6+ Large Fowl Golden Laced Cochin Hatching Eggs BUY IT NOW

    I woulds love an email address, too. Thanks!!
  5. angie3881

    11 new baby chicks and 2 vanishing eggs??

    I thought I had heard that. Thanks!!
  6. angie3881

    11 new baby chicks and 2 vanishing eggs??

    Yesterday my broody hen hatched out 11 eggs. We transferred her from her spot into a large wire dog kennel to keep predators away. She had two eggs she was sitting on and today they were gone! No chick, no broken shells, nothing! The chicks are all fine and accounted for. Would the hen have...
  7. angie3881

    Odd behavior

    Not to my knowledge. Things are back to normal now. It was strange behavior. The hawks we have had around here pose no threat to the peas. We once witnessed our female attack a hawk in mid air to save a baby chick (chicken). I did see an eagle in the field by our place this winter. I wanted to...
  8. angie3881

    Keeping peafowl at home

    I have never had a problem. We live on a hyway and mine have never strayed from the backyard. Mine roost in the trees at night and free range all day. We do not have neighbors close by. I have one male and two females. My latest female came from about a mile away and has never tried to leave...
  9. angie3881

    Light a Candle for Mr. Deerman

    I am sorryto hear of your illness. Wishing you the best. You are always so kind to share your knowledge. Good luck!!
  10. angie3881

    Odd behavior

    I have one male and two females peafowl that free range. All day today they have been in the barn rafters above the hay, which I only find strange because they are always out running around the yard. Could they be watching an egg in the hay? Do the protect their eggs?
  11. angie3881

    Completely black hen mottled with white all the sudden??

    Somewhere between 2 and 5. OEGH or Phoenix, perhaps.
  12. angie3881

    Completely black hen mottled with white all the sudden??

    I am stumped. I have a coal black hen that over the past two weeks has begun sprouting white feathers all over! She is mottled with white feathers. It is so strange. Anyone have any idea why that would be? I was going to upload a picture of her, but can't seem to figure out how to do it with the...
  13. angie3881

    What is this pretty little guy? Breed?

    He is adorable. he looks like my D'Uccles, except mine are porcelain. I think Mille Fleur is the color, as well. So if that is the correct color for that fancy name, that might be what you've got. :)
  14. angie3881

    What breed is this rooster?

    If you are talking about the deep red rooster on the left of the picture, he looks my Rhode Island Red rooster. The picture color quality isn't the greatest, but that's what he looks like to me. Is is tail greenish?In looking at the picture again, the comb is throwing me off a bit. I'm sure...
  15. angie3881

    Would these be a pair of Japanese bantams?

    My White Jap Bantam has very short legs. She looks like she doesn't even have any and her tail is full like the roo in your pics. They are really cute, though!!
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