Peahen is acting strange


8 Years
Aug 17, 2011
35 minutes south of Kinnick
My 4 year old peahen has been acting strange for a few days. She is walking kind of slow, her back seems a little hunched up and her wings are pointing down. She is not as active. I wondered if she might be trying to get her first egg of the season out. She just looks a little uncomfortable. Eating fine and otherwise seems ok.
Sounds like she is going to lay like you think, mine have even gone off their feed when they went broody,soon as i broke up thier nest they got back to normal till the next cluch of eggs get layed .

I would just keep an eye on her i bet she will be fine.
She does sound like she's trying to lay. I guess my only concern would be that she *might* be egg bound.

Can you catch her? If so, you could get some gloves, KY Jelly and very gently check for an egg, but I would only suggest that you do this if you have experience in restraining peafowl.

You could also offer her foods that are high in calcium to help with the egg laying process.
Thank you, both- I am hoping this is it and she will be back to normal soon. I am experienced in restraining, it is the catching process that does not excite me. LOL! Will keep an eye on her.

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