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  • Hi My IB hen hatched two chicks, and I need to get rid of one. I hate separating them, but when is the best time to do that? (what age?) They are a week old today. Do you have any recommendations for an pea owners I could contact (in case I need to) in central Ohio to rehome the one chick? I have a few contacts I will try, but just thought I'd ask.
    I already have someone interested, I'm just concerned for the chick's health. I will not rehome it before three weeks, unless you think I should wait longer.
    As long as they know what they are doing I see no problem.
    I made sure that it is someone I trust (she was referred by a friend) and she has two peafowl and will make sure our baby has companions, if nothing else at least young chickens, to grow up a little with. I am somewhat acquainted with this person and know she's had her peafowl pair for a while. Thanks for the feedback.
    Hi...I started a post about my male peacock and injured foot (with photos) if you have a minute I would really appreciate your opinion . Should I take him to a Vet I know in town, that deals with large birds/peacocks. Thank you in advance. Maureen
    It doesn't look like anything you can fix at home and maybe the vet can not either, I don't really know. It appears like it could be tendon damage. I am afraid that the vet will charge you much more than the bird is worth.
    Hopefully, it is something else and an easy fix.
    Thank you for your reply and time.
    Sorry I am not of much help but a vet exam is a good idea.
    Do you have any purple chicks or eggs for sale?
    All we have left are a few late hatch Purple BSSP. Contact Spring Creek Peafowl on Facebook for more details as I don't come here very often.
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