Recent content by Anquan81

  1. Anquan81

    Rhode Island Red cross over a Crested Cream Legbar?

    Anyone have any experience with crossing a RIR rooster over a CCL hen? What do the adult birds look like? The barring in the CCL should make the chicks sex-linked, am I correct in that? What color are the eggs that the offspring lay? I was hoping the brown egg from the RIR mixed with the...
  2. Anquan81

    104f degrees, for up to 3 hours, what damage might I have done.

    I had my eggs that hot for longer than that, and I had a 70% hatch rate on shipped eggs. They’re pretty resilient for the most part:
  3. Anquan81

    Split coop ideas?

    Thank you! Those plans look really good! I’m planning to try to build out of pallets, I’ll put a picture up when we finish. We are definitely making it tall enough, I’ve hit my head too many times not to.
  4. Anquan81

    Split coop ideas?

    I’m looking at building a coop that is something like 30’ by 8’ that is divided into three separate 10’ by 8’ smaller coops. I am going to be breeding a few different breeds that I want to keep separated. Does anyone have any pics of a coop like this? They will each have access to their own run...
  5. Anquan81

    Trying to count my chickens before they hatch!

    So I know that shipped eggs have a lower hatch rate than local or home grown eggs. I’m trying to find out how many of our eggs to expect to hatch. I have 24 ayam cemani eggs in the incubator that so had shipped to me in Oregon from the east coast. I candled them after three days and saw definite...
  6. Anquan81

    New to chickens, 24 eggs in the bator!

    This is my first time hatching eggs, we have 24 ayam cemani eggs in the incubator due to hatch in 17 days. We also have a healthy herd of 27 Nigerian Dwarf goats. We live 30 minutes outside of Portland OR on 18 acres of pasture/forest.
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